Abbildungen der Seite

to his horse, fortunately had time to escape. As soon as he found himself safe," How wrong was I not to endure the rain patiently, as sent by Providence! If the weather had been dry and fair, I should not pro

bably have been alive at this hour. The rain which caused me to murmur came at a fortunate time to save my life, and preserve to me my property."-Va. Herald.


I HAVE fleetly swept o'er the shadowy grass,
O'er the dim green slopes of the mountain pass;
I have waved the bells of the purple heath
With the joyous rush of my fragrant breath;
And borne far off o'er the billowy seas

The thrill of a thousand melodies.

I have passed o'er the earth and a thousand flowers
'Mid the shadowy depths of the forest bowers,
'Mid the lonely dells, by the silvery streams,
That brightly flash in the sun's glad beams,
Have woke to the song of the summer time,
In their flush of bloom, and their glory's prime.
They are gleaming out in the deep wood's shade,
In their starry light on the grassy glade;
They are clustering wild on the mountain steep,
By the calm blue waters still and deep;
They are flinging scents to the breezy air
From their golden bells, and their petals fair.

I have swept o'er the ocean's crested pride,
And the blue waves lashed to a foaming tide;
I have swelled the sail in its fleet career,
Breathed joy to the home-sick mariner;
And wafted far o'er that water's swell
Sweet odours born in the fragrant dell.

I have been where the stricken one did lie
In the depth of nature's agony;
And his quivering lip did gasp to greet
My breath as a visitant most sweet;
And I fanned the burning fevered brow,
That resteth so calmly, coldly now.

I have passed o'er the homes of the quiet dead,
In the tempest have wailed o'er each lowly bed;
Yet may not my voice from their last long rest
Awaken the sleepers 'neath earth's green breast;
For aye are they gone, and the whirlwind's blast
May break not that slumber-the last! the last!



In vain men talk of living faith
When all their works exhibit death,
When they indulge some sinful view
In all they say and all they do.

The true believer fears the Lord,
Obeys his precepts, keeps his word,
Commits his works to God alone,
And seeks God's will before his own,

Never did men by faith divine
To selfishness or sloth incline;

The Christian works with all his power,

And grieves that he can work no more



THE Christian Church should ever remember that her fruit is found from God. While a Paul may plant, and an Apollos water, in the moral vineyard, neither is he that planteth anything, nor he that watereth, as an efficient cause, but God who giveth the increase. Still, God works by means, and the increase comes not without human instrumentality. Nor is the connexion between human effort and the divine blessing an arbitrary and capricious connexion. We may depend upon it with the utmost certainty; for God is not unrighteous to forget our work of faith and labour of love. If we work for God in a proper spirit, we shall not go without our reward, as far as success is concerned, but we shall receive wages and gather fruit unto life eternal. And this is as true of a Christian Society as of an individual believer. Whatsoever it sows that shall it also reap; and if it have not success in winning souls to Christ, it is because it does not put forth appropriate efforts for that object. Under the influence of these convictions, I have been considering of late by what means we could best bring about our people to "have a mind to work." In pondering over this matter, it struck me that, if we could get annually a meeting of all, or nearly all, the members of the Society, and of them exclusively, and lay before them a history of the past year, with a full report of the condition of the Church, we should interest all parties in its prosperity, and secure their co-operation in carrying on the work in all its departments. Accordingly, I named my impression to some of the leaders' meetings, and found them ready most cordially to enter into the plan. Five such meetings have been held in the Circuit; and now I wish to report the results, that our friends in other parts of the Connexion may go and do likewise. Before I describe the meetings, however, I would just say that, to secure a full attendance of the members, we took the following method. We met and took tea together. Each leader was supplied with tickets for the members of his own class. Their price was fourpence each, but to those members who in his judgment would find it inconvenient to pay anything, he was to present a ticket free; to the rest he was to state the price, and leave it

to their option to give more if they thought proper. This plan was found to work admirably in bringing the members there.

Our first meeting was held at Stapleford, on New Year's eve. Our number of members there was 104, including seven on trial, and not above eight or ten were absent. After partaking of a cheerful cup of tea together in the schoolroom, we adjourned to the chapel to attend to the business for which we were particularly met. When we had spent some time in devotional exercises, I proceeded to state the object of our meeting, and gave a full and minute report of everything connected with the chapel, school and Society; addressing to the friends counsel, admonition or congratulation, as the case seemed to require.

The chapel-trust was found to be in a very satisfactory state, there having been a successful effort made during the year for the reduction of the debt on the estate. For some time the chapel-debt had been a cause of anxiety to a few of our friends at Stapleford, they deeming it too great to be comfortably sustained; besides which it crippled them in their efforts for other objects intimately connected with the prosperity of the cause. It was therefore determined to appeal to the liberality of the people for the purpose of effectually relieving the trust. This was done by a bazaar, which was held in Whitsun week, and the response was truly gratifying, the handsome sum of £200 being raised. This for a country village was noble. The debt on the premises is now £350; but the trustees hope to be able to reduce it by some small sum yearly.

The school was reported to be in a prosperous condition, the attendance of the scholars being good, and there being evidence that the instructions given them were taking effect on their minds. I have given already the number of members in Church-fellowship. It was &

slight decrease on some former years; but a good feeling pervaded the Society, and the attendance at the more private means of grace was improving. After the report was given, Mr. Taylor spoke briefly on the duty of the Church to exercise benevolence toward its poorer members; and proposed the formation of a benevolent fund, supporting his proposition by

a liberal subscription. The brethren, W. Fletcher, Dalley and Briggs, then gave admirable addresses on the true prosperity of the Church, the duty of all the members to seek it, and the best means by which it might be promoted. As we had to be present again at the watchnight service, we now separated, highly delighted with the pleasant and profitable time we had enjoyed together.

This meeting proved to be the beginning of good days to our Stapleford Society; a glorious revival almost immediately broke out, and still continues, by which some fifty or sixty souls have been awakened and brought to seek salvation by repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our second meeting was held at Basford on Feb. 10th. We have here a Society of about sixty members. Owing to death in their family, several were unable to be with us; but there was a large attendance, and truly it was good to be there. As a fortnight before, at a full Society meeting, the yearly statement of accounts respecting both chapel and Society had been presented, it was not thought necessary to repeat the account, and we at once proceeded by united prayer and mutual exhortation to provoke each other to love and good works. While thus engaged, an unction from the Holy One rested upon us, and the 630th hymn, commencing, "Our souls by love together knit," more correctly describes what were our feelings than any words I can select. Our friends here are of an excellent spirit. Lately their place of worship was too small for them, and they resolved to enlarge their borders. they have done in an admirable manner, giving their time, labour and money, for the purpose in a way that reflects upon them the highest credit. They have now a beautiful chapel, lighted with gas, and the debt upon it, through their own libe rality on the one hand, and their strict economy on the other, is moderate; and it was delightful to hear them, one after the other, state that they were determined to labour as hard this year for the spiritual prosperity of the cause, as they had the past year to defray the expenses of the chapel-enlargement. The school here is in a very satisfactory state, and there have been several additions to the Society of late.


Our third meeting was at Beeston, where we have a Society of about fifty members, and nearly all were with us. The review of the year was on the whole encouraging. Between thirty and forty pounds have been laid out in painting

and beautifying the chapel, and lighting it with gas. It is now as neat a village chapel as most, and the expense has been defrayed by the friends during the year, with the exception of a small sum; and besides this effort they have recently introduced a harmonium for the choir at the cost of forty-two guineas. The liberality which our friends here manifest in supporting the cause cannot but be mentioned to their commendation. According to their means, they do as nobly as most people, I know. Their Sunday-school is in a flourishing condition; and of late the Church has had indications of prosperity. Several have been added, and the Spirit of God seems to be working on the minds of the young people. May they be willing in the day of Christ's power! I should say of our meeting, that it was a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.

We all were of one heart and soul, And only love inspired the whole. We held our Nottingham meeting on Shrove Tuesday. Though our expectations were high respecting the attendance of the members, they were considerably surpassed. Upwards of three hundred were present. We took tea in the vestries and then adjourned to the chapel. It was my pleasing task to present a very gratifying report of our operations during the past year, and of the success with which it had pleased God to crown our efforts in every department of usefulness. We have made such improvements in the chapel that it is scarcely like the same place it was before they were effected. The whole pewing of the bottom of the chapel has been re-arranged, the old singing-seat before the pulpit taken away, and a communion formedan orchestra built behind the pulpit over the yard between the chapel and vestry, an organ of first-rate character introduced, the whole interior of the premises thoroughly cleaned and painted, the pews being painted inside and out; besides various other alterations and improvements requisite for the comfort of the congregation, or the proper preservation of the property. The total expenditure for these objects has been £794, towards which upwards of £600 has been received, and the deficiency it is intended to raise during the present year. The organ was opened on the 5th of October, when the Revs. J. Edwards and J. A. Baynes fa. voured us with their services; and on the day following we celebrated the occasion by the holding of a large tea-meeting. On this day we were honoured with the presence and presidency of our esteemed

friend, J. Ridgway, Esq., of Cauldonplace, whose visit will long be gratefully remembered by the friends. Such a meeting, all concur in saying, had never before been held in connexion with the Parliament-street Chapel. The large attendance, the enthusiasm of the people, the excellent speaking and singing, all combined to make it a brilliant affair. There is one feature about the changes we have made in the chapel which I must notice. As far as my knowledge extends, they have given high and universal satisfaction. This to the active promoters of them is a most gratifying circumstance; while we have now a chapel which, for neatness and convenience, and, without presumption I think I may add, as far as the interior is concerned, for beauty too, may bear comparison with any chapel in the town.

We have also been improving the trust estate, as well as the building. The debt on the estate, for a long series of years, has been such as to require great liberality on the part of the trustees to sustain it; and lately they have given several hundreds of pounds to lighten the burden, bringing the debt down to £2,775. The interest paid on this debt is £114 7s. ld. per annum. There has been such a delightful improvement in the income of the estate from seat-rents during the last few years, that I will give the particulars. In 1846, the total income from seatrents was £121 9s.; in 1847, it was £124 6s.; in 1848, it was £134 2s.; in 1849, it was £154 5s.; in 1850, it was £160; in 1851, it was £174. Thus in five years the increase in seat-rents has reached the sum of £53 yearly; and I trust it has not yet attained its maximum, as the trustees will gladly hail the time when, from the income of the estate, they shall be able to contribute to the support of the spiritual interests of the cause.

I may just add that the body of trustees has been renewed; and the deed not allowing of more than eleven, they now consist of the following persons: Messrs. Salt, Sutton, Higginbottom, J. Bradley, Cope, Foster, Tait, Wollatt, J. F. Sutton, Harvey, and G. Bardsley.

The Nottingham Society is in a healthy and vigorous state. The means are well attended, and the presence and blessing of God are found in them. During the year, there has been a clear addition of twenty to the Church, and there is a considerable number on trial. The schools, too, are prospering. good work is breaking out among the


elder scholars, and many of them have begun to meet in class. We have also a Town Missionary, who, during the past year, has paid two thousand four hundred and twenty-three domiciliary visits, for the purpose of religious conversation, reading the Scriptures, and prayer. Every Lord's-day about thirteen hundred tracts are put in circulation; and we have two Benevolent societies, which expended about thirty pounds among the poor. There are likewise two Dorcas societies for the distribution of clothing among the necessitous. Financially, too, the cause is in a satisfactory condition. The people have given to the various objects requiring their support, both local and Connexional, with a praiseworthy liberality; for all purposes, no less a sum than £1250 having been raised by the congregation during the year.

Coming to the obituary department of the Report, I find the following have been removed from fellowship with us on earth to fellowship with the Church of the first-born in heaven. On Jan. 18th, Mr. Thomas Kirk died, aged 74. His whole life had been a Christian one, and he went down to the grave like a ripe shock of corn gathered into the garner.

On the 27th of the same month, sister Bartram was called to her rest. Her death was not expected by her friends till within a few hours of its occurrence; but her last moments were peaceful and happy. She had been a member of the Church about seventeen years.

Sister Sennell was the next to exchange time for eternity. She died Feb. 4th, aged 68 years, and had been about sixteen years in the Society. Many were her afflictions here, but she is gone to the better country, where sorrow and sighing flee away, and all tears are wiped from all faces.

In the course of this month Mrs. Manlove fell asleep. Affliction in a very severe form had long kept her from the house of God, and caused her to pass her days in solitude and pain. But she kept on the sure foundation, and died happy in the Lord.

On the 24th of April, sister Betsy Ann White died after a very brief illness. She was brought to our chapel about sixteen years ago, and soon became a member. She was an assiduous visitor for the Junior Benevolent Society, and though of a retiring disposition, I believe lived to God. In the same month, also, sister Lucy Joynes finished her course; a course highly honourable to herself and useful to her generation. She was admitted a

member in 1799, when seventeen years of age; and having put her hand to the plough, she never looked back. In various ways she served the Church to which she belonged, and, like the elect lady to whom the Apostle John addressed his epistle, she was loved by Christ's ministers for the truth's sake.

Sister Sophia Daft died on the 3rd of June, aged 47. She was a native of Hucknall, and through attending our Sabbath-school there became in early life the subject of religious impressions. The good seed, however, did not spring up and bear fruit till many years after it was sown. She first became decided in religion when living at Radford, and joined our Society there. Removing to Nottingham, she of course became a member of Parliament-street Society. For many years she was a tract-distributor, and visitor for the Junior Benevolent Society; and at the social meetings of the Church and congregation she was ever ready to lend assistance. Her illness was long and painful. At its first commencement, she was afraid her faith and patience would not be equal to the trial; but she found the promises of God to be true, and as her day so was her strength. For several weeks before her death she was in an exceedingly happy state of mind.

Brother W. Crisp was the next to whom the summons came. He had long been a pillar in the Church, and was held in high esteem for his many excellences. An account of his life appeared in the Magazine for October last. When set. tling his earthly affairs, he remembered the Church and its institutions, and bequeathed to the Society, the missions, the yearly collection, and the Junior Benevolent Society the sum of £6 each, An example, this, worthy of the imitation of our more affluent friends.

On August 2nd, brother Cockayne breathed his last. He died of apoplexy, and was unable in his last moments to speak of the state of his mind. I cannot say how long he had been a member.

Sister Sarah Clarke died Oct. 21st, at the advanced age of 87. She was likewise "an old disciple," having given her heart to God when about seventeen. She then joined the Wesleyan Society, and was a singer in the Old Tabernacle, Balloon-court, Nottingham, during the days of Mr. Wesley; so that, in all probability, at the time of her death she was the oldest Methodist in this part. When the division took place in 1797, she joined the Kilhamites, and had continued in our Connexion ever since.

Of late years

her faculties much failed her, and she lapsed into second childhood; still she gave evidence that the name of Jesus was precious to her, and at times she would attempt to sing his praises.

On December 23rd, sister Barnett joined her brethren and sisters who had gone before to the Saviour's presence. Her age was 63; I cannot say the exact time she had been a member with us, but I believe it was the greater part of her life. The last few years she passed through a martyrdom of physical pain. I never saw sufferings equal to hers, but she was graciously supported under them. She was a person of strong mind as well as deep piety; and I never visited her without finding that I had been benefited in my own soul.

Thus as the year advanced did friend after friend depart; but we sorrow not for their removal as those who are without hope, for we believe that they sleep in Jesus and that death is gain to them.

The meeting was further addressed by the Revs. G. Goodall and J. White, and Messrs. Higginbottom, J. F. Sutton, and J. Harrison; and when we separated, it was, I hope, with hearts constrained by the love of Christ, to resolve henceforth to devote all that we have and are to his service and glory.


The last meeting of this kind we have held was at Hucknall, on Monday, the 8th inst. Above one hundred of the members were present. Owing to delay in furnishing the particulars, I was unable to give a report of the Church here as I had done at the other places. We have a large school, and it is doing well. The congregations on the Lord's-day are good, nor is the word preached without power; still there are not the souls gathered in we should like to see. friends have a peculiarity in their fellowship which I should like to see pass away; for I cannot but think it must tend to hinder the prosperity of the cause. Several of the classes meet only fortnightly, which must lead to very irregular attendance on the part of many members, and also detract from the pleasure and profit of this means of grace. Still I would not hold this opinion in too decided a form, for it has been their custom from the beginning, and the Church here has not been among the least prosperous. Nor do I think the period distant when it will again be visited with the reviving power of God's Spirit. The friends are looking for it, praying for it, and I believe will begin to work for it in a way they have not done of late. Our meeting on Monday was surely the

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