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Votes 1, 2, 3.] 5

EXPLANATIONS of the DIFFERENCES between the Numbers and Amounts proposed in the ARMY ESTIMATES for 1907-08 and those VOTED for 1906-07-continued.

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Owing to the reduction of establishments, there are large savings on Regimental Pay, etc., and on the charge for Native Indian troops, partly balanced by increased provision for Reserve Officers and Men, and for the Field Training of the troops.

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An increase of 10 Officers R.A.M.C. is provided for; but there are considerable reductions in the charges for Retired Medical Officers re-employed and for Civilian Practitioners, owing to the larger numbers of Officers R.A.M.C. now available for duty. Increased allowance is also made for probable vacancies in the establishment.

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Due to the experimental lengthening of the period of recruits' drill and annual training in 20 battalions of Infantry Militia, referred to in the Memorandum of the Secretary of State on these Estimates.

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EXPLANATIONS of the DIFFERENCES between the Numbers and Amounts proposed

in the ARMY ESTIMATES for 1907-08 and those VOTED for 1906-07.


It is necessary, when Establishments are in course of reduction, to provide in this Vote for numbers temporarily in excess of the new (reduced) Establishments until they can be absorbed. Allowing for the provision so made in 1906-7 and 1907-8, the real reduction of Establishments is 16,600, as follows :

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The following Statement shows in detail the variations in Regimental Units :

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There are also some changes under Permanent Staff of Auxiliary Forces, Staff and Departments and Miscellaneous Establishments which result in a net decrease of 472 as follows :

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(a) Veterinary Officers transferred from Departmental to Regimental Establishment.


Votes 1, 2, 3.] 5

EXPLANATIONS of the DIFFERENCES between the Numbers and Amounts proposed in the ARMY ESTIMATES for 1907-08 and those VOTED for 1906-07-continued.

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Owing to the reduction of establishments, there are large savings on Regimental Pay, etc., and on the charge for Native Indian troops, partly balanced by increased provision for Reserve Officers and Men, and for the Field Training of the troops.

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An increase of 10 Officers R.A.M.C. is provided for; but there are considerable reductions in the charges for Retired Medical Officers re-employed and for Civilian Practitioners, owing to the larger numbers of Officers R.A.M.C. now available for duty. Increased allowance is also made for probable vacancies in the establishment.

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Due to the experimental lengthening of the period of recruits' drill and annual training in 20 battalions of Infantry Militia, referred to in the Memorandum of the Secretary of Svate on these Estimates.

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The numbers present at training are expected to be somewhat less than those provided for in the Estimate of 1906-7.

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Reduced provision is made for Camp Allowances, owing to the abolition of the special "Field Army" Camps; and credit is taken for receipts from Corps in respect of Loans to be taken over from the Public Works Loan Board, as explained in the Memorandum of the Secretary of State - on these Estimates.

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Due to reductions in Colonial Garrisons and in the Army at home, to reduced expenditure on Transport of troops and stores, to savings effected in the cost of sanitary services in South Africa, and to reduced purchases of remounts.

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Of this decrease, £375,000 arises upon Supplies, and £57,000 upon Clothing, owing to the reduced establishments of men and (as regards Supplies) of horses.





The reductions in the Army not only decrease consumption, but set free the equipments of the disbanded units for use by others. The sum provided to complete the harness of the Horse and Field Artillery is less by £18,000 than the corresponding amount in 1906-7; and economies have been effected in the stocks of stores not used in war.

FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 MARCH 1908. Votes 9 to 16.]

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476,000l. is taken to complete the re-armament of the Horse and Field Artillery, a decrease of 681,000l. as compared with the provision for this service in 1906-7. The reduction is due mainly to the work having proceeded with unexpected rapidity, and to savings in prices. Owing to the good progress made made with the supply of Small Arms and other warlike stores, there is a general reduction of requirements.

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Due to the growth of the charges for repayment of sums borrowed under the Military Works Acts, and to increased provision for work on fortifications, owing to the decision not to provide for future work of this kind by Loan.

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Due to the institution of a new course of Administrative Training for Officers, referred to in the Memorandum of the Secretary of State on these Estimates; to increased provision for Rewards for proficiency in Languages, and to diminished receipts from Cadets at Woolwich and Sandhurst, owing to reduction of numbers.

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Due to savings on Postage and Medals. Provision is made for instruction of soldiers with

a view to their obtaining employment on leaving the Colours.

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Due to the transfer to this vote of charges for Officers and others employed in the War Office, but formerly borne on other votes; and to increments of pay to civilian and soldier clerks in the Army Accounts Department.

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Due to the growth of the charges for Retired Pay of Officers and for Pensions of Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers, partly balanced by a reduction of the charges for Civil Superannuation.

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