G.-COMPENSATION BY THE ARMY PURCHASE COMMISSION TO Compensation in accordance with the conditions of the "Regulation of the Forces Act of 1871," to Officers retiring from the Army by the Sale of their Commissions, or to Retired Full Pay or Half Pay H. COMMUTATION OF RETIRED PAY, &c. OF OFFICERS OF THE REGULAR ARMY: Note. The following are the rates at which pensions are awarded to the Widows, &c. of Officers under the Army Pay Warrant : To the Widow of a Field Marshal or General Officer (including Brigadier General) £.120 a year. Colonel, if employed as such after the 31st December 1890, or if a Regimental Colonel, not being a General Officer 100 Colonel, not employed as such after the 31st December 1890, or Lieutenant Colonel Major 70 Captain 50 " Lieutenant, or 2nd Lieutenant 40 " Subadar - Rs. 22.8 a month. Jemadar 15 An addition to these rates of 50 per cent. may be made when the Officers have died from illness contracted during active operations in the field, or in consequence of wounds received in the execution of military duty otherwise than in action. Double rates of pension may be granted when the Officers have been killed in action or have died of wounds received in action; in the case of Widows of General Officers so killed or dying, special pensions may be awarded according to circumstances. The rates of pension awarded to the Widows of Riding Masters, Quartermasters, and Departmental Officers are governed by the Army or honorary rank of the deceased Officers. (a) Gratuities are allowed only in the case of Officers killed in action or dying of wounds received in action. Vote 14.-NON-EFFECTIVE CHARGES FOR OFFICERS, &c. continued. K.-COMPASSIONATE ALLOWANCES AND GRATUITIES (a) TO CHILDREN OF DECEASED M.-PENSIONS, COMPASSIONATE ALLOWANCES AND GRATUITIES TO WIDOWS AND CHILDREN OF CIVIL OFFICERS, &c. : Note. The following are the rates at which Compassionate Allowances are awarded to the Children of deceased Officers under the Army Pay Warrant: An addition to these rates of 25 per cent. may be made when the Officers have died from illness contracted during active operations in the field, or in consequence of wounds received in the execution of military duty otherwise than in action. An addition of 50 per cent. may be made when the Officers have been killed in action, or have died of wounds received in action. Double rates are granted when the children are motherless, and in great pecuniary distress. The rates of Compassionate Allowances awarded to the Children of Riding Masters, Quartermasters, and Departmental Officers are governed by the Army or honorary rank of the deceased Officers. (a) Gratuities are allowed only in the case of Officers killed in action, or dying of wounds received in action. Vote 14.-NON-EFFECTIVE CHARGES FOR OFFICERS, &c. continued. N.-PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES TO WOUNDED OFFICERS, &c.: ESTIMATE, ESTIMATE, 1907-08. 1906-07. Numbers. 1906-07. 1907-08. Pensions to Officers and others who have lost an Amount of Annuities payable for Ten Years to the National Debt Commis- Note.--The following are the maximum rates at which Pensions and Gratuities for Wounds and Injuries may be awarded under the Army Pay Warrant : Only half of these rates is allowed in cases in which the Wound or Injury is not fully equivalent to the loss of a limb. Awards to Riding Masters, Quartermasters, and Departmental Officers are governed by their Army or honorary rank. Gratuities for Wounds and Injuries. These are based upon the amount of Pay the Officer was receiving when wounded; from three to twelve months' Pay being allowed according to the degree of severity of the wound. |