Abbildungen der Seite

venerable Charles Carroll, was adopted; and another, thanking the Clergy for their attendance; after which the Convention adjourned, sine die.


The Legislature of this state met at Concord on the first Wednesday in June. The Senate chose Benning M. Bean, President; Charles G. Atherton, Clerk; and John Whipple, Assistant Clerk. In the House of Representatives, Franklin Pierce was elected Speaker, having

205 votes of 208. James Clark was chosen Clerk, and Horace Chase, Assistant Clerk. The whole number of votes legally returned for Governor was 39,233; of which Governor Dinsmoor had 24,167, and was re-elected. Ichabod Bartlett had 14,920, and there were 146 scattered on the day of the general election, (so called.) It is understood the usual military parade and election sermon were dispensed with. On Thursday, the Governor communicated, by Message, a partial exposition of the affairs of the State. The Message states that it will be necessary, under existing laws, for the Legislature again to assemble in the autumn, to determine the choice of Electors of President and Vice President of the United States. It was therefore suggested that the session might have a speedy termination.


ANNIVERSARIES. The last week in the month of May, is the season appropriated for the anniversary meetings of numerous Religious and Benevolent Societies in the city of Boston. The following notices of the celebrations of some of the most prominent of these institutions, are epitomized from their several reports, or from extended accounts in the newspapers of the week.

Massachusetts Bible Society. The twenty-third annual meeting was held on Monday, May 28th, at which the usual business was transacted and the Reports made. The Officers chosen were Rev. JOHN PIERCE, D. D. President; Rev. HENRY WARE, D. D. Vice President; Rev. FRANCIS PARKMAN, Corresponding Secretary; Rev. WILLIAM JENKS, D. D. Recording Secretary; Messrs. JOHN TAPPAN, Treasurer; HENRY EDWARDS, Assistant Treasurer; EDWARD TUCKERMAN, Auditor. Trustees. Rev. Abiel Holmes, Chas. Lowell, William Jenks, John Codman, Daniel Sharp, James D. Knowles, N. L. Frothingham, F. W. P. Greenwood; Messrs. Joseph May, Heman Lincoln, Samuel Hubbard, N. P. Russell, Jona

than Phillips, Samuel May, Edward Tuckerman, John Fenno, Wm. Worthington, Pliny Cutler.

Sabbath School Union. A proposal to dissolve the Massachusetts Sabbath School Union, was submitted to a Convention of Delegates from Baptist and Congregational Churches, assembled for the purpose in the Park-street Vestry, when the dissolution was unanimously The details of the settleagreed on. committed to the Board of both denomiment respecting the joint property were nations, as it existed before the dissolution. The Congregational Life-members and Delegates of the Union met in the Park-street Vestry on Wednesday, for the purpose of forming a new State Society. A Constitution was adopted, and the following officers chosen: Pre

sident, William Reed, Marblehead. Vice Presidents, Rev. Warren Fay, Charlestown, Rev. Alvan Hyde, Lee, Lewis Strong, Northampton. Secretary, Geo. E. Head, Boston. Treasurer, Charles Scudder, Boston. Managers, Reverend Samuel Green, Charles Stoddard, John Gulliver, Rev. Rufus Anderson, Julius A. Palmer, Boston; W. B. Bannister, Brookfield, Rev. Sylvester Holmes, N. Bedford, Reverend Gardiner B. Perry, Bradford, Rev. Milton Badger, Andover; Samuel H. Archer, Salem; Rev. John Maltby, Sutton; Rev. Nehemiah Adams, Cambridge.

American Unitarian Association. The Seventh Anniversary of this Association took place on the evening of Tuesday, the 29th. After the acceptance of the Treasurer's Report, the following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year :

Rev. Dr. Bancroft, President; Messrs. Joseph Story, Massachusetts; Joseph Lyman, do. ; Charles H. Atherton, New-Hampshire; Stephen Longfellow, Maine; William Cranch, District of Columbia; Samuel S. Wilde, Massachusetts; Samuel Hoar, do.; William Sullivan, do.; Henry Wheaton, NewYork; James Taylor, Pennsylvania; Martin L. Hurlbut, do.; Henry Payson, Maryland; Rev. Timothy Flint, Ohio, Vice-Presidents; Rev. James Walker, Samuel Barrett, Ezra S. Gannett, Directors; Rev. Henry Ware, Jun., Foreign Secretary; Rev. Alexander Young, Domestic Secretary; Henry Rice, Treasurer.

The Association adjourned at seven o'clock to the Federal-street Church. the Executive Committee's Annual Reports were read by Rev. Mr. Young, the Domestic Secretary, and by Rev. Mr.

Barrett, for Professor Ware, Jr. the Foreign Secretary. The Reports, which were both of them able and highly interesting papers, communicated much information in regard to the spread of Unitarian Christianity during the past year, and its prospects for the future, both in this country and abroad. After the reading of the Reports the meeting was briefly addressed by Rev. Dr. Bancroft, the President, Rev. Messrs. Bigelow, Lothrop, Sewall, and Judge Story. At five o'clock on Thursday evening a meeting of the Association for business, was held in the Berry-street Vestry. After a full discussion of the expediency of adopting measures for the appointment of a General Agent, they voted to proceed immediately to the choice, and on counting the votes, Rev. Ezra S. Gannett was found to be unanimously


absence of the President, Samuel T.
Armstrong, the chair was taken by John
Tappan, one of the Vice-Presidents.
The Treasurer's Report was read and
accepted. The receipts of the Society
for the year were $2915 53; expendi-
tures, $3035; balance due the treasurer,
$119 47. Louis Dwight, Secretary of
the Society, read parts from the annual
report, which, on motion of Alexander
H. Everett, seconded by the Rev. John
Pierpont, was accepted and ordered to
be published under the direction of the

The Massachusetts Society for the Sup-
pression of Intemperance held its twen-
tieth anniversary in St. Paul's church.
The Hon. William Sullivan delivered
an address on the origin and evils of in-
Society was held on Thursday evening,
temperance. A public meeting of the
at the Masonic Temple, when Mr. Hil-
dreth, agent of the Society, read a Re-
port, and remarks were made by Dr.
John C. Warren, President, Hon. Jona-
than Phillips, Rev. Prof. Palfrey, John
Tappan, Esq. Rev. John Pierpont, Dr.
Shattuck, Rev. E. S. Gannett, H. Gray,
Esq. Dr. Walter Channing, S. Fair-
banks, Esq. and others.

The Sunday School Society held its public annual meeting in the FederalStreet Church. An interesting Report was read by Dr. Flagg, in which the condition and prospects of the Sunday schools connected with Unitarian parishes, both in the city and out of it, were represented as being highly encouraging to the friends of these institutions. After the reading of the ReThe American Temperance Society held port the meeting was addressed by its meeting in the Park-street Church, Messrs. William Sullivan of Boston, Hon. Samuel Hubbard, one of the ViceSolomon Lincoln of Hingham, S. C. Presidents, in the Chair. Extracts from Phillips of Salem, Rev. Č. Brooks of the annual report were read by the Rev. Hingham, Rev. S. J. May of Brooklyn, Dr. Edwards, Secretary of the Society. Conn. Rev. F. A. Farly of Providence, otyped; 10,000 copies have been printThe last report of the society was stereR. I. Rev. A. B. Muzzey of Framing-ed, and most of them distributed. They ham, and Rev. E. T. Taylor of Boston.

The Convention of Congregational Ministers met according to long established usage, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday. Mr. Wisner was re-elected Scribe, and Mr. Young chosen Treasurer in place of Mr. Frothingham, who had resigned. The usual business of the Convention was transacted with harmony. Prof. Stuart of Andover was chosen second preacher for the next year, and the Convention adjourned to the next morning.


Thursday, after attending to the customary business, the members proceeded at 11 o'clock to the Brattle-street church, where a sermon was preached by Mr. Jenks of Boston. After the sermon a collection was taken, amounting to $96 25. A large number of the Convention dined together at the Exchange Coffee-House, where a dinner had been provided by the liberality of gentlemen of this city.

The Prison Discipline Society met at the Park-street Meeting-house. In the

have been sent to all parts of the United
States; to the British North-American
Colonies; to England, Scotland, Ire-
land, France, Switzerland, Germany,
Sweden; to Eastern and Southern Asia,
to the Sandwich Islands, &c. &c. In
London it has been reprinted entire.
Three state societies have been formed
during the year; and state societies
now exist in all the states of the Union,
except Alabama, Louisiana, and Mis-
souri. The whole number of societies
in this country is supposed to be at least
4,000, and the number of members not
less than 500,000. There are as many
as 100,000 members of societies in
Great-Britain and Ireland. The prin-
cipal object of the report was, to show
the enormous wickedness of the traffic
in ardent spirit, and the duty of Chris-
tians and Christian churches in regard
to it. The Rev. Dr. Hewit appeared as
the Foreign Secretary, for the United
States, of the British and Foreign Tem-
perance Society. His object was to
show the expediency and duty of send


ing out from this country some well. qualified person, to England, to act as agent of the British and Foreign Temperance Society, in establishing Temperance Societies in all the capitals of Europe.

Bunker Hill Monument Association. At a meeting of the Bunker Hill Monument Association, held at Faneuil Hall on the morning of the 18th of June, Dr. Abner Phelps took the Chair, as President, and the Association proceeded to the choice of a Secretary pro tem. N. P. Russell, Esq. was chosen. Messrs. William Sullivan, Joseph Coolidge, Alexander H. Everett, Pliny Cutler, and David Kimball were chosen a committee to collect, sort and count the votes for the officers of the society for the ensuing year. The committee reported that the whole number of votes was 455, and that the following gentlemen having more than 400 votes each, were elected to the respective offices: William Prescott, President; John C. Warren, William Sullivan, Vice-Presidents; Edward G. Prescott, Secretary; Nathaniel P. Russell, Treasurer.


rectors. Nathan Appleton, Samuel T.
Armstrong, Ebenezer Breed, Josiah
Bradlee, John B. Brown, Thomas B.
Curtis, Henry A. S. Dearborn, David
Devens, Edward Everett, John Fores-
ter, James K. Frothingham, Thomas J.
Hale, Nathaniel
Goodwin, Nathan
Hammond, John Harris, Ábbott Law-
rence, Samuel Lawrence, Francis J.
Oliver, Francis Peabody, Thomas H.
Perkins, Stephen C. Phillips, Leverett
Saltonstall, Robert G. Shaw, John
Skinner, Wm. W. Stone, Israel Thorn-
dike, Joseph Tilden, Nathan Tufts,
Charles Wells, John D. Williams.

Manufactures in Middlesex. At a meeting of Farmers, Manufacturers, and Mechanics, held at Concord, on the 13th of June, sundry resolutions were adopted, remonstrating against a relinquishment of the protective system. In the preamble to these resolutions it is stated that, in the county of Middlesex, the cotton manufacture employs $3,129,000 capital, vested in real estate, and machinery; consumes 6,913,880 pounds of cotton; produces annually 20,378,849 yards cloth; employs 3896 hands; pays in wages $731,751. In the same county the woollen manufac ture employs $394,999 capital, vested in real estate and machinery; consumes 899,000 pounds wool; produces annually 849,300 yards woollen cloth, flannels and carpeting, employs 653 hands; and pays in wages $152,041. The manufactures of leather, boots, shoes, hats, pa

per, glass, sheet lead, lead pipe, iron, starch, gunpowder, soap, candles, drugs, oil vitriol, and other acids, barilla and other chemicals, used in the county by bleachers, dyers, calico-printers, soapboilers, and other artizans, are more extensive than in any other section of our country of equal extent, employing in the aggregate $1,050,255 capital, vested in real estate, machinery, tools, &c. and producing manufactured articles of the annual value of $3,565,613.*

Census of Lowell. A census of this place was taken on the first of June by order of the town, which exhibited the following result:

White Males under 10 years of age, 66 from 10 to 20


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It will be seen by this enumeration that the whole population on the first of June was 10,254; of which 5955 are females. By the enumeration in January 1828, there were 3532; of which 2190 were females. By the census of June 12, 1830, there were 6477; of which 4085 were females. It will be seen that the increase from January, 1828, to June, 1830,

* Since the resolutions referred to were published, a gentleman concerned in the manufac tories at Lowell, has informed the editors that the statement here given falls far below the truth, and has given the following as a corrected statement.

The whole capital invested is $6,250,000giving employment to nearly 4000 hands, who receive wages to the amount of $750,000, and make 22,000,000 yards of cloth, using 7,000,000 pounds of cotton annually. It is probable that an accurate statement of the condition of other branches of manufacture would also be found greatly to exceed the amount stated in the preamble mentioned above.

being one year and five months, was 2945; and from June, 1830 to June, 1832, 3777. The proportion of females is not so great as by the former census.


CITY OF PROVIDENCE. The organization of the City Government of Providence took place at the Court House on the second Monday of June. The oaths of office were administered to the Mayor and Aldermen by the President of the Town-Council, and by the Mayor to the members of the Common Council. Richard M. Field, late Town Clerk, was unanimously chosen City Clerk. The Mayor delivered his Inaugural Address in the presence of a large audience. He spoke of the newly adopted form, as one not tending to impair the rights of the people, and stated the object in obtaining the Charter to have been, not to obtain more power, but to administer the power already possessed with more prudence, economy, and energy. A great part of the Address consisted of an appropriate and lucid exposition of the powers and duties of the new officers. After the Address, the Mayor and Aldermen retired to the Senate Chamber, and the Common Council was organized by the appointment of Mr. George Baker, President, and Mr. Thomas B. Fenner, Clerk.

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The Legislature of this state recently adopted the following Resolutions-the House of Representatives, unanimously; the Senate 20 to 12.

Resolved, &c. That we view with the most serious apprehension any attempt to lessen the restrictions upon the importation of any articles of foreign manufacture, or production, which may compete with articles of similar growth, production, or manufactures of the United States.

That a reduction of duties upon articles, the like of which are neither manufactured or produced in the United States, or which does not materially affect the industry of the country, would meet the approbation of our constituents.

That the People of Pennsylvania never can consent to an abandonment of the Protective System.

That if a reduction of the revenue becomes necessary, we should prefer a prohibition of the introduction of articles of foreign fabric and production, the like of which we are successfully manufacturing and producing, to any reduction upon protected articles which we can produce and manufacture as cheaply and as good amongst ourselves.

That we view the American System, as a whole, which requires the united and concentrated operation of its friends against all attempts to attack it in detail, and that no steps should be taken to preserve one portion of it at the expense of another.

That the confidence of one interest in the aid and fellowship of another, is the true shield of safety of the friends of the protected industry, and that such confidence should be cultivated and relied on throughout the union.

That connected as the prosperity of agriculture and manufactures are with the successful financial operations and sound currency of the country, we view the speedy re-chartering of the Bank of the United States as of vital importance to the public welfare.

That the Governor be requested to transmit these resolutions to our representatives in Congress, to be laid before their respective bodies.


CINCINNATI COLLEGE. The Trustees of Cincinnati College have published an Address to the people of Ohio, from which we collect the following facts and statements :

The institution, known as the "Cincinnati College," began, as a common school, organized on the Lancasterian plan, in connexion with a grammar school, in the year 1814, under the name of the "Cincinnati Lancaster Seminary." In 1819, it was incorporated as a college, under its present title, with the understanding, that the preparatory schools were still to be kept up. The endowment of the College, existed in a subscription, liberal, indeed, when it is considered that it emanated from the enterprise of a few citizens of the city. But auspicious as this subscription was to the future prospects of the establishment, the sanguine hopes which were at first cherished by it were destroyed by the adverse circumstances which soon after pervaded Cincinnati and the west generally. Sufficient, however, was secured to finish the building, and, with subsequent rents, to pay all claims against the corporation.

College classes were organized, with several professors, and the institution, under a variety of aspects, continued to exist until the year 1827, when, from the want of pecuniary means, all operations were discontinued; the preparatory schools, which had also been sustained, ceased at the same time; and the edifice itself, or as much of it as was practicable, was rented out. The receipts have not been regular, and by no means sufficient to keep the building in repair. Dilapidations, always great in proportion to the non-occupation of so large a house, have taken place; and this pile, founded under flattering auspices, presents now a spectacle in strong contrast with the other public buildings of the city.

It is thought practicable by the Board of Trustees, in addition to what schools are to be carried on in the College, to create certain professorships or lecture

ships, on such different branches of science as may be found compatible with their means, with public taste, and the public wishes. It is designed to make most of these lectures accessible to the great mass of population, and so to arrange them, as to render them valuable for the practical purposes of every class of society. The hope is cherished, that the Mechanics Institute, the Lyceum, and the public library may be induced to connect their exertions with the college. It is felt to be bad policy, in such a society as ours, to divide and ramify public institutions, having the same great object in view. To produce proper effect, exertion ought to be concentrated. The foundations of good libraries are already laid in the institutions before mentioned. When brought together, they will even now do credit to the city. The liberality of an individual has placed that valuable institution, the Mechanics Institute, in possession of an excellent philosophical apparatus; public attention is awake, and much may be expected from public and private liberality, to associations in a united attitude, which might be looked for in vain when in a state of separation.

From an estimate furnished, it is thought that about three thousand dollars will cover the requisite repairs, including such an alteration of the front, as will render it ornamental to the city. This amount it is believed can be raised without difficulty, if the benefits likely to flow from its application be properly appreciated. Individuals stand ready and pledged, to enter on the important duties of instruction; some, where expense and trouble are involved, with no expectation of compensation but from their own exertions; others, looking to the good they may do, as a sufficient reward for the services they may render. With these prospects and facilities of creating one great Institution, in which shall centre the different Literary and Scientific Associations of Cincinnati, the Trustees cannot think it possible that such an edifice as the College will be longer suffered to attract attention by its unseemly aspect. With sanguine hopes of success, the Board now appeal to their fellow citizens, and ask them for such contributions as their several means may justify, and as the importance of the object merits.

Education. There is a very interesting and valuable institution for the education of school teachers at Marietta, Ohio, which was established about two years since, and is capable of being ren

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