Abbildungen der Seite

April 23, the anniversary alike of the birth and death of the poet.

"Dave Porter's Return to School," by Edward Stratemeyer, is the third volume of the Dave Porter books for boys, and carries his young hero from his adventures in the South Seas back to school, where he experiences the full delights of boyish sports. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co.

Messrs. Routledge, "recognizing the general desire on the part of the trade and the public to give a fair trial to the experiment of reducing the original published price of new copyright novels," are about to enter the field with a series of books to be published not merely at half-a-crown net, but at halfa-crown "ordinary," which means, of course, that the books will be subject to the usual discount. Each work will be produced in all respects of type, paper, and binding equal to the ordinary six-shilling novel. The first four volumes will be ready this month.

"The Diamond Key and How the Railway Heroes Won It," by Alvah Milton Kerr is a series of twelve stories of railway adventure and heroism, strung together on a slender thread of continuous narrative, and deriving unity from their connection with the running of a single railway line in the mountain regions of the far west, and from being crowned with the reward of the same badge of honor, a "diamond key." Some of the stories have been published separately in the magazines and have attracted attention as among the most graphic and stirring of their kind. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co.

The second of Fogazzaro's trilogy of novels, of which "The Saint" was the completion has been published by Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton. "The Man of the World," as the English version is called, deals with the earlier life

of Piero Maironi. Young and rich, he is burdened with an insane wife. He is about to succumb to the influence of a beautiful freethinker, who is also unhappily married, when he is reclaimed by his dying wife, who recovers her reason on the point of death. His revulsion of feeling decides him to devote his life to the cause which earned him his saintly reputation in the subsequent years of his career.

Two small volumes of more than ordinary interest are published by T. Y. Crowell & Co. in the dainty typography of the Merrymount Press. One is "Christ's Secret of Happiness," by Dr. Lyman Abbott, a series of eleven brief discourses, in which a twentieth-century application is made of the beatitudes of Christ. The other is "The Greatest Fact in Modern History" which contains the admirable and patriotic address which Ambassador Reid delivered before Cambridge University last year on "The Rise of the United States." Mr. Reid's subject was chosen for him by the university authorities and he treated it with candor, discrimination and a due sense of historic proportion.

In Miss Anna Chapin Ray's "Ackroyd of the Faculty" the hero has every good and perfect gift except pedigree and polish, but because those are lacking to him the daughter of his brother professor, a Brahmin of the true Holmes species, despises him. To begin a novel with despising a man brings the wisest of heroines to loving him before the tale is ended and the last page foretells happiness for all the characters except one who has had the good fortune to die almost in the act of repentance for wrong doing. The author has mastered the secret of adding sufficient moral interest to a tale of every day life to give it a certain gravity and force without darkening its pleasant

atmosphere, and the story has individuality and brilliancy. Little, Brown & Co.


The "Kölnische Zeitung" states that a rare Chinese manuscript, brought some years ago from Pekin, has been discovered in Copenhagen. It is a translation of the book on anatomy by Pierre Dionis, and contains many copies of anatomical drawings from the works of Thomas Bartholin, the famous Danish anatomist of the seventeenth century. It originated in the request made by the Emperor Khanghi (1662-1722) to French priest, by name Perennin, in 1677, that he would translate a European book on anatomy into Chinese in order to introduce Western medical science into China. Perennin selected Dionis's and Bartholin's works, and the Emperor gave him a staff of twenty assistants who took five years in producing the manuscript. Only three copies were made for the private use of the Emperor.

That expert traveller and charming writer, Mr. Douglas Sladen, is the author of a unique guidebook to "Sicily the New Winter Resort" which contains everything which the visitor to that picturesque island needs to know about its scenery, its monuments and its people. The plan of construction is unusual. There are first certain general chapters upon the scenery, climate and gardens and the people, the churches, and the conditions of travel and motoring. Then, under the heading "Things Sicilian" arranged after the fashion of an encyclopædia, there are hundreds of paragraphs of informa tion, presented by topics, first relating to the whole island, and then, again with an alphabetical arrangement, to particular cities. Finally, there is a complete road-guide to all the towns which are easily accessible by any means of communication. This alpha

betical arrangement guides the reader at once to what he wishes to know and saves him the trouble of picking it out for himself from pages of general description. Not the least attraction of the book is the illustrations, of which there are nearly two hundred and fifty. E. P. Dutton & Co.

Mr. Bertram Dobell writes to The Athenæum, with pardonable exultation, of a recent literary discovery, as follows:

Most of your readers, I suppose, will be glad to know that I have recently discovered a very remarkable manuscript copy of Sir Philip Sidney's "Arcadia." It is a volume of 226 folios, or 452 pages. It contains a complete copy

of the "Arcadia" in five "Bookes or Actes," and also "Dyvers and Sondry Sonetts." Although there must have been a number of manuscript copies of the book in existence soon after it was written, no other copy save that which is before me appears to be now extant. This alone would make it uniquely interesting; but its value does not lie only in its rarity. It is not merely an "Arcudia"; it is, I believe, the "Arcadia." It differs greatly from the printed texts. It contains much matter which is not to be found in the latter, while it omits much that appears in them. It gives us five new poems, and many fresh readings in the known poems. Among the "Dyvers and Sondry Sonetts" there is also an unknown poem. I have not yet been able to study the manuscript sufficiently to be able to see the exact relation which it bears to the printed copies; but I have found a good many indications which point to its being Sir Philip Sidney's first draft of the work. But whether it is this, or whether it is a recast of the first form of the romance, it is without doubt a most remarkable "find." Short of the discovery of a Shakespearean manuscript it is hard to imagine a more valuable treasure trove of its kind. Two things are plain-firstly, that it should find a place in one of our great public libraries; and secondly, that it should be printed with as little delay as possible.


No. 3277 April 27, 1907.



1. Canada, England and the States. By Goldwin Smith

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Food and Fable. By Walter Richards.
The Enemy's Camp. Chapters V. and VI. (To be continued)

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English Oral Tradition. By G. Monroe Royce

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The Coming of the Flying Machine. By Bernard S. Gilbert

NINETEENTH CENTURY AND AFTER 228 A Business-like Parliament. By Wilfred Johnston


A Milanese Mystery. By Charles Edwardes. (Conclusion)

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FOR SIX DOLLARS, remitted directly to the Publishers, THE LIVING AGE will be punctually forwarded for a year, free of postage, to any part of the U. S. or Canada.

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Single Copies of THE LIVING AGE, 15 cents.

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Less than one hundred and forty years ago there might be seen posted up in England a proclamation of the Privy Council in which the Province of Ontario was called "the town." After the passing of the Treaty of Washington, a speaker at a meeting in one of the most intelligent of English cities congratulated a Canadian on the passing of the treaty, saying that he "hoped, now the Alabama question was settled, there would be nothing to divide England and Canada from each other." At that time, educated people in England were still found believing that Canadians were red. Englishmen know far more about Canada now. The opening of the marvellous North-West has done much to attract their attention. A British statesman, however, can still tell us that Great Britain has only one military frontier, that of Northern India.

That there is not a single annexationist in Canada Englishmen are constantly being told. It is true in this sense, that nobody either in Canada or the United States is now talking or thinking of that question. Nor does it seem likely that anybody either in Canada or in the United States will be talking or thinking about it for some years to come. No octogenarian has any practical interest in it. The idea that the people of the United States have any design against Canadian independence may be entirely dismissed. The present writer has for nearly forty years conversed with Americans of all classes and parties without hearing anything of the kind or encountering any appearance of hostility to Canada. The Irish quarrel was embraced by American politicians for the sake of the Irish vote, the importance of which has of late greatly

declined, so that little or nothing is heard of it in the mustering of forces for presidential elections.

The great bond and symbol of peace, the neutrality of the lakes, secured by the exclusion of ships of war, has been faithfully observed on both sides. Ац alarm of American infraction was raised some years ago, but proved groundless. On that occasion some fervid Canadians proposed to introduce British gunboats into the Lakes. They were thinking only of the lower lakes, as of course was Wellington when he penned his dispatch. They forgot Lake Superior, where the Pacific Railway might be easily raided and the Dominion cut in two by an American flotilla issuing from Duluth.

In attempting a forecast, several things must be taken into account. One is the state of American institutions, which shows the truth of Bacon's saying that what man does not change for the better, Time, the great innovator, will be changing for the worse. In the United States Time has been concentrating power in the Senate, while the Senate, in which the smaller States have equal representation with the greatest, has become a conclave of special interests with no policy but "stand-pat," and incapable of forming or pursuing any great design. Nor can we yet tell what effect the Panama Canal, if it succeeds, or extended relations with Mexico, may have in drawing the United States southwards. The awakening of Japan, probably with China in her train, and her apparent tendency to get a footing on the Pacific Coast, are also to be considered in casting the horoscope of the future.

The movement at present on foot and apparently gaining strength is

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