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"Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Volume 76, Number 13. Preliminary Archaeological Explorations at Weeden Island, Florida,” by Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, is a very interesting account of recent work near St. Petersburg, on Tampa Bay, Florida.

Under the heading "Human Heads Made of Burnt Clay" is a statement (footnote 2, p. 15) that might indicate carelessness on my part, were this statement not an error.

The footnote is as follows: "Clarence B. Moore (Notes on Ten Thousand Islands) figures (p. 463) a human head effigy from Chokoloskee Key. In the Index he refers to 'human head-effigies on rim of vessel' collected at Moundsville, but makes no reference to it in text."

There is no such reference in the index to "Notes on the Ten Thousand Islands" and the head-effigy from Chokoloskee Key is described in the text as not of pottery but of stone.

Moundsville is a famous site in West Virginia.

Moundville, Alabama, is described in my "Moundville Revisited" which forms part of Volume XIII of the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, in which also is included my "Notes on the Ten Thousand Islands."

"Human head-effigies on rim of vessel" in the index of "Moundville Revisited" cites, page 346 on which we find "Vessel No. 5 from the ground south of Mound D, is a small bowl with a notched band around the rim and three equidistant, rudely modeled effigies of human heads, projecting upward."



The Second Session of the Twenty-first International Americanist Congress almost immediately followed the First, the participants of the latter being for the most part taken in a special train from The Hague to Gothenburg (Göteborg). The Second Session, which enjoyed the patronage of the King of Sweden, was held at the Högskola of Gothenburg, an institution of university grade, and lasted from August twentieth until August twenty-sixth, 1924. The original date for closing the proceedings had to be advanced by one day owing to the number of papers presented, and even so on most of the days it was necessary to divide the members into sections. None of the guests will readily forget the hospitality lavished upon them by their Swedish hosts, from the time of Governor Oscar von Sydow's reception on the opening night until the official banquet at the City Hall given by the City of Gothenburg on the last evening. This dinner, as well as the last day's proceedings, were attended by the Crown Prince and Princess, both of whom for some time past. have taken an interest in archaeological research. A noticeable phenomenon was the attention devoted to the Congress by the daily press, which fully reported every session, giving long abstracts of the more significant communications. The most important matter of business settled related to the site of the next Congress. Owing to the representations of the European participants, who pleaded the difficult financial situation of European scholars, it was decided to accept the invitation of the Italian Minister of Education to hold the next Americanist Congress in Italy. A corresponding invitation from the City of Philadelphia was accordingly declined with thanks.

As is usual at such gatherings, the informal meetings of co-workers in small groups were among the most enjoyable events of the week's happenings. Thus Father Schmidt, Professor Boas, and others had an opportunity of discussing schemes of phonetic transcription; while Doctors Lehmann, Morley, and Spinden were able to argue the principles of Maya chronology. Those interested in Old World and New World connections had the pleasure of hearing Messrs.

1 The account of the first session will be published when submitted.

Bogoras and Sternberg express their views from the angle of Siberian research.

On Sunday, August 24, the members were taken by boat to Kyvik, where Dr. Sarauw demonstrated a prehistoric archaeological site, which was forthwith attacked by M. Capitan. After a collation due to the hospitality of Herr Bernström, the party returned to the City, where they were treated to two superb sets of motion pictures, the first consisting of Dr. Bolinder's cinematographs from Colombia, the second of a remarkable series illustrating Lapp ethnography.

The extraordinary success of the Session was largely due to the untiring efforts of the General Secretary, Baron Erland Nordenskiöld, and the Göteborg Museum under his charge not only formed a natural rallying place of participants when not attending the meetings but created a profound impression owing to the model arrangement and labeling of its extensive South American collections.

Of the papers presented, the reports of quite recent investigations aroused special interest, viz. Fathers Koppers' and Gusinde's descriptions of work in Tierra del Fuego; and Doctors Birket-Smith and Matthiassen's preliminary reports on the ethnological and archaeological results of the Fifth Thule Expedition.

The following papers were presented:

Wednesday, August 20.





Thursday, August 21.










Les éléments constitutifs des civilisations du Nord-
ouest de l'Amerique du Sud.

The Excavations at Chichen Itza by the Carnegie
Institution of Washington in 1924.

Die geheime Jugendweihe der Yagan.

Die geheimen Jugendweihen der Ona und Alakaluf.

Food Animals of the Peruvian Highlands.

Beiträge zur Ethnographie des Araguaya-Xingú-

Animism of the South American Indians.

Neue Forschungen in den Wüsten von "Carangas."
On the Nanduty of Paraguay.

Mythologie und Weltanschauung der Yagan.
Klangplatten aus Nephrit aus Venezuela.

Les têtes humaines coupées et figurées sur les vases
de Nazca.

Archaeological investigations in the region of Santa
Marta, Colombia.

Die alt mexikanische Magie im Lichte der neuen
religionsvergleichenden und, völkerpsychologischen


[blocks in formation]

Die Staatswesen der Mayavolker.

Mon excursion archéologique au Mexique.
Der alt mexikanische Prunkfederschild des Natur-
historischen Museums in Wien.

Preliminary Report on the Ethnological Results of the Fifth Thule Expedition.

Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Results
of the Fifth Thule Expedition.

Early migrations of the Eskimo from Asia to

Cultic Festivals and Games in Greenland.

Gedanken zur Frage nach der Urheimat der Eskimo. Interprétation ethnographique de deux objets archéologiques.

Osterinselpaläolithen in prähistorischen Gräbern


Ein mythisch-religiöses Motiv der alten Mayakunst.
The Woodcarver's Art in Ancient Mexico.
Maya Jades.

Les huacos, amulettes et fétiches des tombes

The Discovery of the North American Mainland
Twenty Years before Columbus.

Amerika auf einem Globus von 1522 und auf einer
Weltkarte von Sancho Gutierrez von 1551.

Recent Discoveries in Maya Chronology.

Die räumliche und zeitliche Gliederung der Völker

Der mittelamerikanische Ursprung der Mound-
builder und Pueblo Civilisation.

The hieroglyphic stairway from Naranjo.

Correlación entre la Cronología Maya y la Cristiana.
Fechas de las inscripciones Mayas.

The Philological History of "Tobacco" in America.
Das Tabakrauchen in Südamerika.

Observations on the name bacove.

Die Bedeutung der Genitivstellung für den Sprach-
aufbau in den Sprachen von Süd- u. Mittelamerika.
La parenté de l'Uru et de l'Arawak.

Das Verbum in der Sprache der Kágaba, Kolumbien
La langue Arda; une amusante méprise.

Brujeria in Guatemala.

Culture Areas and Culture Diffusion in South



van Panhuys.




Max Schmidt.



Gates. Preuss.







Tuesday, August 26.

Spinden. Boas. Lowie.

Über Ona-Schädel im Feuerland; zur Frage des
Vorkommens eines australoiden Elements in Süd-

Mythologie und Weltanschauung der Ona und

Recherche des tableaux sur le Brésil offerts par le
Prince Jean Maurice de Nassau au Roi Louis XIV.
Ein Stück südamerikanische Ornamentik.

Ueber Feuerbohrtechnik in Chile und ihre Ver-
wendung durch die Landbevölkerung in heutiger

Notes on the plotting of difficult accessible ruins, with special reference to Inca ruins and some of their characteristic details and refinements.

Für die Erforschung der alt peruanischen Kultur bedeutungsvolle Sammlungsgegenstände des Berliner Museums für Völkerkunde.

Parallelen im Opferritus der altgriechischen Bu
phonia-Opfer und im Kultus des mexikanischen
Gottes Xipe Totec.

Ein alt peruanisches Gewebe mit merkwürdiger

A page of the Dresden Codex.

Die Mexicano im Staate Durango und ihre Überlieferungen in meinen Textaufnahmen.

The Idea of Divine Election in Shamanism as
illustrated by material from the North Pacific
tribes in Asia and North America.

Die Geographie von Mexico in den Briefen von

Las Casas, and the early history of America.

Zwei bemerkenswerthe Funde im südlichen Patagonien.

Les races aborigénes de la République Argentine.
Expediciones arqueologicas oficiales y privadas en
el Noroeste Argentino.

Collection d'Antiquités guatemaltéques du musée
d'Archéologie de l'Université de Gand.
Origenes Americanos.

Chorotegan Culture.

Relations between America and the Old World.

On the Historical Connections between Certain Old
World and New World Beliefs.


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