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cannot be made in vain. No people upon earth had ever more need of Divine assistance, nor ought to have greater confidence in the deliverance they pray for, since, as all human changes, though under the superintendence of a beneficent Providence, will most probably, by human means, be accomplished, the otherwise unaccountable fortitude, skill, and patience with which your highly-gifted people have started up on a sudden to rival even the most memorable acts of their illustrious fathers, seem like the forecast of an irresistible conclusion. My letter, sir, which you will see has been written in too much haste, will be delivered to your Excellency by the Honourable Colonel Stanhope, who, since Mr. Blaquiere has returned for the present to England, has most generously undertaken to assist our Committee by his presence amongst you :—he is a most accomplished person, a son of the Earl of Harrington, a man of high rank in our nobility, whose family I have long held in sincere friendship and respect.

I am not President of the Greek Committee, as you consider me in your letter to be; we are all equal, taking it in our turns to preside, according to the accidents of attendance and the convenience of those present, and in that character I suppose the proceedings were signed by me which were forwarded to Greece. The letter to Mr. Luriottis and the published one to the Earl of Liverpool were only from myself. In the same manner my friend, Joseph Hume, M.P. presided at our last meeting; and, as your interesting letter was intended for the whole Committee, though addressed personally to myself, I was desired by him to answer it; and I much regret that the sudden departure of Colonel Stanhope before our next sitting deprived me of the opportunity of presenting it for his approbation and that of the other members then present; but I persuade myself that I have expressed their sentiments, though they might have been much better expressed by the President for the day himself, who has devoted much of his valuable time and talents to all the objects of our Committee, though unceasingly employed in every important business of Parliament, and indefatigably engaged besides in promoting every useful improvement throughout our country. Indeed, his warm and active zeal in your cause increases my confidence in the usefulness of our devotion to the interests of Greece.

I have the honour to be,

With many thanks, and with the highest respect,
Your Excellency's most faithful servant,



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1. On a resolu que pour l'absence de Mon. Reinecke, le Docteur Jean Jacques Mayer, sera accepté comme le quatrième membre du comité.

2. Le Colonel Stanhope propose de former un corps de 50 Allemands, pour faire le service comme artilleristes et aides dans le laboratoire après avoir eu la permission et la parole du Prince Mavrocordato que la subsistance necessaire pour un tel corps sera assurée Pour l'établissement de ce corps Mons. le Colonel Stanhope offre cent livres sterling, payables par des installments chaque mois, pourvu que ce corps soit sujetté à une discipline rigide et a quelque code militaire.

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Cette resolution fût unanimement acceptée.

3. Le corps sera rassemblé à Missolonghi, et la solde commencera le 1 Fevrier. M. Kolbe est chargé de la commission de rassembler les individus que seront choisis par le comité.

4. Les individus ci après sont acceptés par le comité pour former le corps.

Le Capt. PARRY, Inspecteur.
Mons. DEUTSCH, Commandant.

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NETERZEBA, Serj.-Major.

5. Resolu par le comité que tous les Allemands seront rassemblés à Missolonghi, une partie pour la formation du corps ci-dessus proposé,

et partie pour etre renvoyée en Allemagne.

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1. It was resolved, that, during the absence of M. de Reinecke, Dr. Jean Jacques Meyer shall be accepted as the fourth member of this Committee.

2. Colonel Stanhope proposes the formation of a corps of fifty Germans, to serve as artillerymen and assistants in the laboratory, after having obtained the permission and the promise of Prince Mavrocordato, that the subsistence necessary for such a corps shall be secured to them for one year. Towards the establishment of this corps, Colonel Stanhope offers a hundred pounds sterling, payable by monthly instalments, provided the corps shall be subjected to a rigid discipline and to some military code.

This resolution was unanimously adopted.

3. The corps shall be assembled at Missolonghi, and their pay shall commence from the 1st February. M. Kolbe is charged with the commission to assemble the individuals who shall be selected by the Committee.

4. The following individuals are approved of by the Committee, to form the corps:

Captain PARRY, Inspector.

Mons. DEUTSCH, Commander.

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Mons. SASS, Lieutenant.

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5. Resolved, by the Committee, that all the Germans shall be assembled at Missolonghi, part for the formation of the proposed corps, and part to be sent back to Germany.

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No. 12.

Seconde Session du Comité Générale en Grèce.

Missolonghi, 17 Dec. 1823.

LE Comité à charge M. le Dr. Meyer de parler a M. le Prince Mavrocordato pour les effets qui se trouvent a Hydra, consistant en deux mille fusils, sept cent vingt-cinq gibernes, quatre-vingt-douze instruments de musique, soixante sept fusils balle forcée, une machine à tourner avec tous ses outils, tous les outils necessaires pour menuisiers, › forgerons, et forgerons d'armes, une quantité de feret de l'acier, poudreà-canon et fusil, deux tonneaux de pierre-à-feu, une grande quantité de cuir, &c. &c. Aussi pour es 5000 francs qui se trouvent de feu M. Kephalas dans les caisses du commandant de Napoli di Romania, et qui ont été jusqu'à present inutilement reclamé de MM. Reinecke et Dittmar.-Acceptée.

La Comité à resolu de nommer comme des aides pour le Commissaire de la Guerre, Monsieur Demetry Deliorgi et Monsieur le Capitaine de Port, Monsieur Demetry Sideri, tous les deux de Missolonghi, les patents seront faits et delivrés à ces deux individus.-Resolue et acceptée.

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Second Session of the General Committee in Greece.

Missolonghi, 17th Dec. 1823.

THE Committee has charged Dr. Meyer to speak to Prince Mavrocordato for the restitution of the effects at Hydra, consisting of 2000 muskets, 725 gibernes, 92 musical instruments, 67 rifles, a turning-lathe with all its tools, all the tools necessary for carpenters, smiths, and gunsmiths, a quantity of iron and steel, and of gunpowder, two tons of flints, a large quantity of leather, &c. Also, for the 5000 francs of the late M. Kephalas, in the coffers of the Commandant of Napoli di Romania, and which have hitherto been in vain reclaimed by MM. de Reinecke and Dittmarr.-Approved.

The Committee has resolved to name as assistants to the Commissary of War, M. Demetrius Deliorgi, and the Captain of the Port, M.

Demetrius Sideri, both of Missolonghi. Patents shall be made out and delivered to these two individuals.-Resolved and approved.






No. 13.

Troisième Session du Comité Général en Grèce.

Missolonghi, 20th December, 1823.

MONS. MEYER a proposé au Comité General en Grèce, de prêter a S. E. Alex. Mavrocordato, President du Corps Legislatif, la somme de 5000 piastres pour le payement très pressant de la flotte Grêcque devant Missolonghi. Par le moyen de cette somme il s'engage d'entretenir 7 bâtiments Grêcques, pour le blocus de Patras et Lepanto pendant 2 mois, et même Mons. Mavrocordato s'obligera par écrit de rembourser la somme susdit de 5000 piastres au Comité Général après avoir reçu l'emprunt promis par Lord Byron.

Le Comité Général ayant considéré la susdite proposition est d'opinion que le moment pressant des choses l'engage de prêter cette somme de p. 5000 a M. Mavrocordato, pourvu que le Col. L. Stanhope garantisse au Comité le remboursement. Le Col. L. Stanhope, considerant l'importance de cette proposition a decidé de faire la garantie susdite; et Mons. Mavrocordato doit deposer au Comité une quittance suivant la proposition et les garanties ci-dessus.

[Suivent les signatures]


Third Session of the General Committee in Greece.

Missolonghi, 20th Dec. 1823.

M. MEYER proposed to the General Committee in Greece to lend to his Excellency Alex. Mavrocordato, the sum of 5000 piastres, for the very urgent payment of the Greek fleet before Missolonghi. By means of this sum, he engages to maintain seven Greek vessels for the blockade of Patras and Lepanto for two months, and M. Mavrocordato will even oblige himself, in writing, to reimburse the aforesaid sum of 5000 piastres to the General Committee, after having received the loan promised by Lord Byron.

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