NOTES AND PERSONALIA LANGUAGE appears herewith in its second issue, in the face of considerable difficulties. It is the official journal of a society established very recently, in fact only three and a half months before the copy for this second issue went to the publishing house. The reason for this haste was that both the Chairman of the Committee on Publications and the Secretary and Treasurer of the SOCIETY are sailing for Europe, the former on June 6, the latter on May 30, and the business of the issue must be disposed of before their departure. Naturally, the securing of suitable copy for appearance in this issue, in a form ready to send to the printer, has been difficult. There are many members of the SOCIETY who are known to have the fruits of their researches almost ready for publication, whose studies will shortly appear in these pages; yet when the copy must be sent off on a certain date, these almost finished articles do not help the Editors. But before long, the publications of the SOCIETY will be running a normal course. Those who desire to submit articles for publication should send them to Professor George Melville Bolling, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. THE SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS which the SOCIETY plans to issue, begins to approach reality. The monographs will be in general longer than is practicable for journal articles, and will appear separately, though several successive monographs will be numbered as successive parts of a volume, each volume to total approximately a stipulated number of pages, and to be obtainable by subscribers at a fixed price per volume. Each monograph may also be procured separately from the Secretary of the SOCIETY, or from its authorized agents. In many instances, it is expected, a larger or smaller subvention will be secured from the author of the monograph or from his institution, in return for which an agreed number of copies will be furnished. But in all instances the typescript of the monograph must be submitted to the Committee on Publications, who must approve it both for subject matter and for presentation before it can be entitled to appear in the series. The Committee on Publications announce that they have accepted, as the first number in this series, an investigation by DR. ERWIN ALLEN ESPER, of the Department of Psychology in Ohio State University, entitled A Technique for the Study of Associative Interference in Artificial Linguistic Material. LANGUAGE plans to establish a department of reviews of works of linguistic nature, and invitès publishers and authors to send their volumes for this purpose, to Professor George Melville Bolling, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Naturally, the field must be limited to works bearing on language, not including those of a definitely literary character to the exclusion of the linguistic side. EXCHANGES are invited. In the press of business connected with the appearance of these two issues, it has been impossible to take up this matter; but the Treasurer will as soon as possible see to it that various societies in this country and abroad shall be invited to exchange their publications with those of the LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Meantime, it is worth chronicling that the first request for exchange came from the Société des Américanistes de Paris. Exchanges should be sent to Professor George Melville Bolling, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; but those sending the exchanges should also send notice of the fact to the Treasurer, Professor Roland G. Kent, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penna., who is responsible for the mailing lists of the publications. SUBSCRIPTIONS to the publications of the SOCIETY are invited. Again, no systematic action has yet been possible because of the multiplicity of duties falling upon the Secretary and Treasurer. The members are however urgently requested to invite their college libraries and other libraries with which they may be associated, to become subscribers. They may assure prospective subscribers that libraries will receive the usual library discount from the list price of LANGUAGE, which is Four Dollars per annum; and that they will be entitled to the same rate of discount on the monographs. The discount, it must be noted, is obtainable only if subscriptions are sent direct to the Treasurer of the SOCIETY. In most years, subscribers both to LANGUAGE and to the monographs will find it advantageous to take a membership in the SOCIETY, at the rate of Five Dollars per annum. THE FOUNDATION MEMBERS listed in the first issue of this journal numbered 264; several other members have been received since that time, some of whom, by a supplementary ruling of the Executive Committee, have also been made Foundation Members. Their names are chronicled elsewhere in this issue. But we should not stop at this point. We lack but a little of the Three Hundred set as our goal this spring. Will not those who have not yet canvassed their friends and colleagues undertake the task, if not at once, then in the early autumn? ADEQUATE NOTICES of the two distinguished Foundation Members whom the SOCIETY lost by death in the first month of its existence, were, through pressure on the space at our disposal, unavoidably postponed. We present them in this issue, with sincere regret for the delay. THE SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY will be held at the University of Chicago, on Monday and Tuesday, December 28 and 29, 1925, in conjunction with that of the Modern Language Association of America, which begins its sessions on the afternoon of December 29 and continues until December 31. The Executive Committee has under consideration the holding of a single session, either jointly with the American Philological Association, or separately, at Cornell University, Ithaca, on Thursday, December 31, in order to manifest our cordial feeling toward that society as well. If this later session is held, it will be one without legislative powers; but a report of the Chicago meeting will be given and papers will be read, which will permit those of our members who are unable to make the long journey to Chicago, but are within easy range of Ithaca, to participate in the activities of the SOCIETY. Details of the proposed meeting must wait until autumn for their announcement; but members who intend to offer papers at the next meeting are requested to note the following provision of the Constitution, Article IV, Section 4: Titles and descriptions of papers to be read before the Society must be submitted to the Executive Committee beforehand, and their disposition of such papers, including a possible limitation of time to be devoted to them, shall be final. In practice, this means that a short abstract of each paper must be submitted to the Secretary when the title is sent in; and that on the basis of this abstract the Committee will arrange its place and its allotment of time on the program. SUGGESTIONS TO CONTRIBUTORS The Committee on Publications is at the present moment attempting to formulate a plan that will make for economy and at the same time effect a certain uniformity on the treatment of linguistic problems in print. The Committee realizes that there are many problems involved, and while it has no desire to formulate any rigid rules, it requests our contributors to observe the following suggestions: 1. LENGTH: Directness and succinctness of method is recommended. Linguistics is a science; its laws are often as exact as biological laws. The limitations of space make it incumbent upon our contributors to treat the subject scientifically and without verbosity. 2. METHOD: In our work, new points of view, new materials, and new discoveries are the things of most importance. The history of the problem should be compressed as much as possible; better a reference to some place where the literature is already gathered, than the reprinting of a long list of titles. 3. TERMINOLOGY: Some uniformity in terminology is desirable. The members of the Committee do not feel that they can advise the adoption of any fixed and rigid usage, but beg to suggest in general conformity to established usage. 4. PHONETIC ALPHABETS: For the modern Indo-European languages, the Committee recommends the alphabet of the Association Phonetique Internationale, and the alphabets used in Gröber's Grundriss der Romanischen Philologie, and in similar works. For Indo-European and the Oriental languages, the Committee recommends the alphabets used in the publications of the American Oriental Society; and for the American Indian languages, the alphabets used in the International Journal of American Linguistics. 5. Lastly, the Committee begs to recommend the greatest care in the preparation of manuscripts for publication. The contributors will lighten the labors of the Committee by observing the style-sheet of LANGUAGE, as follows: A. All copy should be typewritten, double-spaced (triple-spaced if written on a Hammond), with a broad margin at the left. B. The author's name should be placed just below the title of the article, and his institution or city should follow in the next line. C. The Committee will indicate the size of type, which will be 10-point for the body of the articles, and 8-point for longer quotations set off in paragraphs and for footnotes. D. All passages and single words in languages other than French and German are to be immediately followed by their translations into English, in single quotation marks; unless the context makes clear their meaning. E. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively from the beginning of the article, and should be typewritten consecutively at the end of the article; in printing, they will be properly distributed at the foot of the pages. In monographs, the footnotes should be numbered from the beginning of each chapter, and assembled at the end of each chapter. F. Italics are to be used (a) for single letters as names of sounds, etc.; (b) for single words and short phrases in foreign languages; (c) for names of books, articles, journals. G. Abbreviations for names of journals, books, etc.: the name of the book or journal should be given in full or with only slight abbreviation at its first occurrence, since LANGUAGE will reach scholars in many fields, who cannot be expected to know even the conventional abbreviations in the technical literature of all linguistic fields. But after the first mention, such titles should be abbreviated to the shortest form consistent with clarity. H. Abbreviation of book names and the like, if consisting solely or mainly of capitals, and ending in a capital, should not be separated by periods nor followed by a period; thus MLN, TAPA, ZƒDA. I. All the numerals in volume, chapter, page, section, and other references should be Arabic and not Roman numerals (except pages so numbered in prefaces, etc.). References with two or more numerals should have periods and not commas between the numerals; thus MLN 3.41 means volume 3, page 41, and Livy 7.25.4 means book 7, chapter 25, section 4. Separation by commas denotes two references; thus MLN 3.41, 72 means volume 3, page 41 and page 72. The year of publication, when given, should be placed in a parenthesis after the number of the page; but when volumes are not given a serial number, the year should precede the page number. Careful observance of these suggestions will greatly lighten the labors of the Committee on Publications. GEORGE MELVILLE BOLLING, Chairman, |