des Problèmes et leurs Solutions. On June 20, he will attend the meeting of the Société de Linguistique de Paris, and convey the salutations of the LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA. He will be present at a meeting of the Administrative Council of the Association Guillaume Budé, of which he has just been made the Délégué Correspondant aux EtatsUnis. THE ORIENTAL CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA has placed at the disposal of the LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA a limited number of copies of two of its publications, Thirty Years of Oriental Studies, and The Song of Songs: A Symposium. The former volume was issued in 1918 in commemoration of thirty years of activity of the Club, and contains papers by John P. Peters, Morris Jastrow Jr., R. W. Rogers, and E. W. Hopkins, on the progress of Semitic and Indo-European studies from 1888 to 1918. The latter volume was issued in 1924; it contains papers by M. L. Margolis, J. A. Montgomery, W. W. Hyde, F. Edgerton, T. J. Meek, and W. H. Schoff. Members desiring complimentary copies of these volumes, or of either one of them, should apply to the Secretary of the SOCIETY. CONSTITUTION OF THE LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA ARTICLE I. NAME AND OBJECT 1. This Society shall be known as the LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA. 2. Its object shall be the advancement of the scientific study of language. ARTICLE II. MEMBERS 1. Any person may become an active member of the Society by a vote of the Executive Committee and the payment of five dollars as an initiation fee, which shall be considered the first annual fee. 2. On or before December 31 in each year each active member shall pay to the Treasurer an annual fee of five dollars. If this fee is not paid, no publications of the Society shall be sent to such person during his default, except upon the terms upon which those who are not members may secure them. Such members in default may receive the publications upon payment of all arrears. Members in arrears for two years shall be dropped from membership. 1. The Officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. 2. There shall be an Executive Committee, composed of the above Officers and three other members of the Society. 3. There shall be a Committee on Publications, which shall consist of four members of the Society. One of these, to be designated Chairman of the Committee and Editor of the Publications of the Society, shall be elected annually by the Society. The three members at large shall serve for a term of three years, except that of the three persons chosen at the first meeting one shall serve for one year and one for two years. Thereafter one member of the Committee shall be chosen at each annual meeting. 4. Officers shall be elected annually, and any member shall be free to make nominations. ARTICLE IV. MEETINGS 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the Society, at such time and place as shall be determined at a previous meeting, or by the Executive Committee. 2. The Executive Committee shall make all arrangements for the annual meetings. 3. The Executive Committee may call special meetings. 4. Titles and descriptions of papers to be read before the Society must be submitted to the Executive Committee beforehand, and their disposition of such papers, including a possible limitation of the time to be devoted to them, shall be final. ARTICLE V. PUBLICATION 1. The Committee on Publications shall have charge of all publications of the Society, and shall have power to order their publication upon certification of the Treasurer that sufficient money is available. 2. Nothing in this Article shall prevent the publication of occasional bulletins by the Executive Committee. ARTICLE VI. AMENDMENTS 1. Amendments to this Constitution may be made by vote of twothirds of the members present at any annual meeting, provided that the proposed amendment has been presented in writing to the Executive Committee, and the text of the proposed amendment has been sent to all members not less than one month previous to such meeting. 2. At any time within three years after the organization of the Society, the Executive Committee may request the Secretary to mail to all active members a copy of any amendment to this Constitution which may seem to them to be required. Such an amendment may be adopted by an affirmative vote by mail of two thirds of the active members of the Society. LIST OF FOUNDATION MEMBERS The title of Foundation Member is, according to the ruling of the Executive Committee, received by all those who pay the annual dues for 1925 on or before March 31, 1925. In order to facilitate the early appearance of this issue of LANGUAGE, some of the names may have to be added at the end of the list, out of alphabetical order. Members will kindly inform the Secretary of any errors in the names and addresses, and of any changes that should be made. So far as possible, in the case of those who are attached to colleges and universities, the entries will indicate the academic rank, the subject, and the institution. Dr. Justin E. Abbott, 120 Hobart Av., Summit, N. J. Prof. Arthur Adams, Trinity Col., Hartford, Conn. (English) Prof. Joseph E. A. Alexis, 1420 Garfield St., Lincoln, Neb. (Modern Langs., Univ. of Nebraska) Prof. T. George Allen, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (Oriental Langs.) Prof. Hermann Almstedt, Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. (Germanic Langs.) Prof. A. Joseph Armstrong, Baylor Univ., Waco, Tex. (English) Prof. Harry Morgan Ayres, Columbia Univ., New York City. (English) Prof. A. J. Barnouw, Columbia Univ., New York City. (Dutch Prof. LeRoy Carr Barret, Trinity Col., Hartford, Conn. (Latin) Prof. William N. Bates, 220 St. Mark's Sq., Philadelphia, Pa. (Greek, Prof. Jean-B. Beck, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Romanic Langs.) Prof. Gertrude H. Beggs, Univ. of Richmond, Richmond, Va. (Latin) Dean H. M. Belden, 811 Virginia Av., Columbia, Mo. (English, Univ. of Missouri) Prof. Harold H. Bender, 120 Fitz Randolph Road, Princeton, N. J. (Indo-Germanic Phil., Princeton Univ.) Miss M. Julia Bentley, 3517 Middleton Av., Clifton, Cincinnati, O. Mr. Morris Berg, 92 S. 13th St., Newark, N. J. Dr. Frank R. Blake, 1600 Park Av., Baltimore, Md. (Oriental Langs., Johns Hopkins Univ.) Prof. Leonard Bloomfield, 2061 Fairfax Road, Columbus, O. (German and Linguistics, Ohio State Univ.) Prof. Maurice Bloomfield, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. (Sanskrit and Comparative Phil.) Prof. Franz Boas, Columbia Univ., New York City. (Anthropology) Prof. Ray P. Bowen, 435 Waverly Av., Syracuse, N. Y. (Romance Miss Florence C. Brachman, 8439 Germantown Av., Philadelphia, Pa. Prof. George H. Brown, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Prof. George Wm. Brown, College of Missions, Indianapolis, Ind. Leo M. Brown, Esq., 910 Van Antwerp Bldg., Mobile, Ala. Dr. W. Norman Brown, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Md. Prof. Carl D. Buck, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. (Sanskrit and Indo-European Comparative Phil.) Dean Robert B. Burke, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Latin) Juan C. Cebrian, Esq., 1801 Octavia St., San Francisco, Calif. Dean George Davis Chase, Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me. (Latin) Dr. Edith Frances Claflin, 17 Felton Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Mr. Francis P. Clarke, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. (Philosophy) Prof. Alfred Coester, Stanford Univ., Calif. (Romanic Langs.) |