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sus, my Lod, in thee I trust !' was asked again, if I now was satisfied that they were safe, and in good hands;— I expressed my full persuasion of it. Το this a reply was subjoined, if I really spoke truth, I certainly should have committed myself, together with them, to his care. Sensible and ashamed of my neglect, I instantly offered up myself, and all that I had to him; and experienced, that the only religion acceptable to God was unreserved dependence upon Christ. Here for a mo. ment the matter rested, when I resumed in thought, “Oh, my Jesus! if I trust only in thee, I must be obliged to adopt the Christian doctrine, which I have many times examined, and seemed to find it a jargon of absurdities." To this he answer ed, ' Examine it once more, and you will judge otherwise of my doctrine; and I will be with thee, and teach thee, that the imputation of Adam's crime to his posterity, and the way by which I save my people is the same; but eat now this bread and remember thy new Master.'

"I would not say, that the very words you read here, were literally spoken to me; but only that I can in no other way convey to you a more exact account of the ideas which rapidly passed through my mind while sitting at the Lord's Table, and which seemed ra her to be suggested in an obscure whisper, than in an audible voice

"Immediately after this, I fell into a kind of stupor, from about ten o'clock till three in the afternoon; only on my way home from church, I reflected for a moment on this wonderful event. Returning to my senses, which seemed for a while suspended, and recalling by degrees what had happened, I suspected the whole to be mere imagination; but recollecting the command, "Examine the Christian doctrine once more, and I will teach thee," I concluded, if the matter were not vision. ary, the truth of it would appear in the revision of the Christian system. I immediately sat down to make the trial, not knowing how to begin; but I remembered that I was directed to the imputation of Adam's transgression; and I saw thence a long series of new truths, proceeding from that principle in the form of Corollaries, and in a most easy course traced out the way, by which a sinner from being similar to the guilty and condemued Adam, is


brought to the image of a righteous, holy, ad glorified Redeemer; and so restored from sin and misery to virtue and happiniss, without punishment, and as a child, indepenent of reasoning. By free grace I learned how the justice of God is not only uninjured, but exalted, and placed in the strongest lustre, through justification by faith. I rose before I nad seen the end of the chain, and wrote down the most striking articles of what I had learn d, assured that I had never before received any true notion of the doctrine of Jesus. The next

morning, casting my eyes on the Bible, I concluded, that if this book was written by divine authority, perfect harmony ought to be found between its contents and the doctrine, of whose truth and divinity I was now convinced. I was at first reluct ant to put it to the trial: but, considering that it must be done, I resolved to read the apostolic epistles attentive'v; and was astonished to find the striking harmony of the three first chapters of the epistle to the Romans, with my own notes I soon observed, however, that "the riches of the treasure, far exceeded the partial knowledge of Christ, which was communicated to me." I was, for instance, surprized that the doctrine of the Holy Ghost, of which St Paul so explicitly treats, was wholly wanting in my Elements. I revered now the Scriptures of the everlasting God; and valued, as a gift of the highest importance, this source of all-saving knowledge.

"After this I made another trial, by Comp ring my go pl with the doctrine of those who had been taught in the school of Christ; and I was not a little comforted by our mutual faith. They all bare witress to the san.e truth, though they oiten mixed it with prejudices.

"These were the first steps by which it pleased God to turn me hom darkness to light in which I am compelled t› admit, that in many, nay, in all instances, my knowledge was very imperfect. Iaken up with the love of Christ, I had little or no experience of the strugglings of unbelief, of the power of sin, of the assaults of Satan, the depth and extent of misery in which I was, of the guilt from which I was delivered, of my natural enmity against God, and even of my own ig


"But I pass to your question, relating to my views of the gospel. This is of such vast extent, that the present letter would be insufficient to contain the answer. If the following general observations should not, as I suppose, answer the object of the Directors, I hope you will consider them as first openings of a correspondence, in which you will please to point out the 3 F

particular heads of the doctrines which they wish me more fully to explain.

"You will have observed, that when the Lord Jesus first revealed himself to me, he did not reason with me about truth or error, but attacked me like a warrior, and felled me to the ground by the force of his arm. He even displayed no more of the majesty of a benevolent king, than was necessary to compel me willingly to obey him. But as soon as I had sub mitted myself captive to my Conqueror, he assumed the character of a Prophet; and I then observed, that the chief object of his doctrine 'was, to demonstate the justice of God, both in condemning and saving the children of men. I was pleased to find it had been represented to St.Paul in the same light, when he admired and adored; because therein the justice or righteousness of God is revealed from the word of faith so evidently, that it excites faith and conviction in the hearer; but at the same time I learned, from my own case, that faith in Christ may be produced without an explicit view of the Christian system, only by representing Christ as the proper object of faith. Hence gospel preaching proves in the hand of the Spirit, the instrument of exciting faith as easily

in the rudest barbarian, as in the most learned Greek. As this master-piece of divine wisdom takes in a complete view of God's dealings with mankind, from the beginning of the creation to the end of the world, it would swell this letter to an enormous size to consider it fully; there fore I am forced to leave the subject unfinished.


"It is as impossible that the natural man (1 Cor. ii. 14.) should obey the gospel, as that a blind man should look on a watch and say what time of day it is. The equity of giving him the law of faith is founded on his natural pride, which engages him to assert he is willing to obey the will of God, just as to a blind man who asserted he could see, we should present the watch, and bid him look on it, to convince him of his blindness. Good works cannot be separated from faith; being nothing but phenomena credentis qua talis, as cold shivering is the phenomenon of an access of the ague. Hence the exercise of faith alone, and not the attempt of imitating the law of works, proves the means of sanctification.

"And now, Sir, I hope I have fully answered the questions you proposed; and I pray that I may be enabled to wait still upon the Lord, constantly watching, that when he cometh and knocketh I may open to him immediately, and be ready to do

whatever he commands.

"I thank you for your kind wishes, and hope you will pray for me that they may

be granted, as I pray for the Directora of your Society and you, Sir, that you may be led in that path by which the glory of the kingdom of our Lord and Sa viour Jesus Christ may be enlarged and spread over the whole earth." 1. T. V.

After this long extract, we can only add, which we do with plea. sure, that the Mr. Cooper, supposed, in the second part of this work (p. 317, 321) to be drowned, has long since arrived in this country; and is, we believe, still living.

Sketches of a Journey to London in the Year 1803; interspersed with Spiritual Reflections. By R. Hawker, D.D. Svo, 25.; 12m0,- 15.

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AN ill-natured critic may probably be disposed to charge the author with egotism, in publishing his own excursion and labours; and the infidel may make himself merry with the spiritual remarks which abound in this work; - but those who are acquainted with the character of the writer, will give him credit for pure and pious motives in this novel publication: and we may venture to affirm, that the traveller who can, like him, see God in the works' of nature and art, and rise, from the observation of ordinary objects, in devout aspirations to his Saviour, will enjoy abundantly more delight in his journey, than he who has only amusement in view.

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This little volume has also another object, the description and recommendation of many charitable institutions, for which the author successfully pleaded. In this respect, the work may not only en tertain, but promote among gene. rous readers, the support of those excellent institutions, some of which are scarcely known to the public at large. It is exceedingly pleasant to a benevolent mind, to observe in what a variety of chan nels the Christian charity of this country, and of the metropolis particularly, is daily flowing; and if any one of these is benefited, the author will not have published, nor the reader have perused this pamphlet in vain.

In a list of errata (not printed in some of the first copies) besides

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In the second volume of our Magazine (p. 41.) we gave a decided opinion in favour of these valuable discourses, which have long been out of print; but are here reprinted as the first volume of his works, both in 8vo and 12mo, to suit the different purses of purchasers.

An Essay on the Internal Evidences of Christianity. Published in pursuance of the Will of the late Rev. John Hulse, of Elworth, in Cheshire; as having gained. in 1802, the Annual Prize, instituted by him in the University of Cambridge. By John Scott, B.A. of Magdalen College; Master of the Grammar School, and Lecturer in the High Church of King ston upon Hull. 800, 89 pages.

We are happy to see a son of the Rev. Mr. Scott, late of the Lock Chapel, and now Rector of AstonSandford, following the steps of his worthy father, and appearing among the champions for our most holy faith.

The author makes three preliminary observations.-1. That he understands by Christianity, that religion which is taught in the New Testament, and which he considers as taught also in the Articles of the Church of England; -2. He assumes, that the same religion for substance is taught by both Testaments, the Old and New; and, 3. He observes that it is the internal evidence of the truth of religion, not of the authenticity, genuineness, or divine inspiration


of the original Christian writings, of which he treats. He then proceeds to treat of, 1. The Christian Deity; 2. The Christian Wor ship; 3. The Piety of the Chris tian System; 4. Benevolence of Christianity; 5. The Doctrine of Human Depravity; - 6. The Christian Scheme of Meditation;7. The Christian Doctrine of Justi fication; 8. The Doctrine of Grace, or Divine Assistance; -9. The Doctrine of the Future State; 10. The Character which Chris tianity tends to form; - 11. Additional Considerations'; Conclu


This arrangement is simple, the style easy, and the whole calculated to promote the best religion in the world; the religion of God our Saviour. We only add, that from the conciseness of the work, it is more likely to be read than similar productions of a more voluminous


The Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan. A new Edition with Notes to the First Part, by ihe Rev. J. Newton, and others; and to the Second, by Dr. Hawker. 12m0, 35. bound.-Ditto, Fine Paper, with the Life and Plates, 45. sheep.—45. 6d. calf.

Nothing need be said of Bunyan's Pilgrim: the Notes by Mr. Newton, Mr. King, of Hull, &c. late excellent Mr. Thornton; but were printed some years ago by the these extending no farther than the first part, by the particular request of the publisher, Dr. Hawker has subjoined some brief notes to the second. After mentioning thefe they are judicious, savoury, and names, it need hardly be added that evangelical. To the Life of the Author, in the best edition, is subjoined some remarks on his writings, with a key to the allegory.

A Golden Treasury for the Children

of God, &c. By C. H. Bogatsky, 12mo, 35. 6d. Fine Paper, in calf


This work is well known, and in much esteem. It contains texts of Scripture, with remarks, and some


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The Analytical Compendium, or Outlines of Sermons, extracted from various Authors. By T. Hannam. Vol. II, 18mo, pp. 356.

THE first volume of this work was reviewed in our Magazine for August 1800, when we took occasion to recommend it more particularly to young ministers, and those whose situations afford not the opportunity of reading more volumi. nous works. The second volume, now before us, is conducted upon the same plan, and comprizes the substance of about sixty-three sermons, selected from the works of Bp. Horne, Dr. Gill, Dr. Evans, Messrs. Walker, Townsend, and others. The subjects, though va. rious, will be found important and edifying, and the discussions judicious and evangelical.

Keeping the Heart, and Searching the Heart. Two Treatises. The First, a Saint indeed, or the Great Work of a Christian--the Second, the Touchstone of Sincerity, or the Signs of Grace and Symptoms of Hypocrisy. By the late Rev. John Flavel. A New Edition, 2s. 6d. in boards; and 35. 6s. bound.

THERE are few writings of a more useful tendency than those of Mr. Flavel. His sprightly remarks, his warm addresses to the heart, his judicious quotations from ancient writers, and his just and practical inferences, render his works truly valuable and instructive. To those who have a spiritual taste, who desire to be acquainted with their own hearts, who

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An Alarm in Zion; being Extracts from an Address to Christians of all Denominations, occasioned by the Alarm of Invasion in 1756. By the late Rev. G. Whitefield. Adapted to the Present awful Crisis, with Notes and Observations. 12mo, zd. or 18s. per 100, to give away.

THE zealous loyalty and liberal principles of Mr. Whitefield are well known; and we consider this re-publication as well-timed, and the tract well adapted to the purpose of animating Christians to the defence of their country, as well by their prayers as by their arms. The notes are interesting and copi ous, embracing chiefly the following topics: the Importance of Prayer-the Lawfulness of Defensive War; the Horrors of Invasion, &c. From the last we give the following striking extract, taken from Denon's Travels, published under authority of the First Consul.

"The situation of the inhabitants, for whose happiness and prosperity we were, no doubt, come to Egypt, was no better. f, through terror, they had been obliged their return, atter we were withdrawn, to quit their houfes on our approach; on they could find nothing but the mud of which the walls were formed. Utensils, ploughs, doors, roofs, every thing, in short, of a combustible nature, had been burned.

for cooking; and the earthen pots broken, the corn consumed, and the towls and pigeons roasted and devoured. Nothing was to be found except the bodies of their dogs, killed in endeavouring to defend the property of their masters.

"If we made any stay in a village, the unfortunate inhabitants, who fled on our approach, were summoned to return, under penalty of being treated as rebers, who had joined the enemy, and of being made to pay double contributions, When they had submitted to these threats, and came to pay the miri, it sometimes happened that they were so numerous, as to be mistaken for a body of men in arms, and their clabs considered as muskets; in which case, they were sure of being as sailed by several discharges from the ritlemen and patroles, before an explanation could take place. Those who were killed were interred; and the furvivors remained friends with us, until a proper opportunity prefented itselt for retaliation.

"It is true, that provided they did not quit their dwellings, but paid the miri, and supplied the wants of the army, they not only spared themselves the trouble of a journey, and avoided the unpleasant abode of the desert, but saw their provision eaten with regularity, and might come in for a portion of them, preserving a part of their doors, selling their eggs to the soldiers, and having few of their wives and daughters ravished."

Vol. II. p. 44-46.

How much more honourable is the service of Immanuel than that of Abaddon ! Is not the holy war in which our Missionaries are engaged a far more pleasant and noble

service? Are not Carey and Vanderkemp more respectable heroes than Desaix or Bonaparte?

We should be glad to give farther Extracts from this Tract; but it is of so easy purchase, and so very interesting, that we doubt not but it will have a very extensive circulation.


Proposals have been issued at Philadelphia, for publishing a conplete edition of the Sermons and other Works of the late Dr. W. Smith, of that city, in four handsome volumes, large octavo; and the Subscriptions have been honoured with the recommendation of Congress, and of the most respect able clergy of all denominations.

Proposals have been likewise issued, for printing Lectures on Natural Philosophy, by the Rev. J. Ewing, D. D. late Provost of the University of Philadelphia, in one octavo volume; which are strongly recommended by all the Professors of that University, particularly as mingling judicious evangelical reflection with the latest discoveries in science.

Dr. Witherspoon's Works have been published in three volumes; and some copies sent over, which were unhappily lost by the founder. ing of a vessel.


History of the Church of Christ. Vol. IV, Part I. Edited from the MS. of the late Rev. Jos. Milner, by the Rev. Is. Milner, D. D. 8vo, 5s. 6d. boards.

A Sermon, preached at St. Ann's, Blackfriars, May 31, 1803, before the Society for Missions to Africa and the East, &c. By the Rev. R. Cecil, M. A. Minister of St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row. Also the Report of the Committee. 8vo, 2s.

Memoirs of the Persecutions of Protestants in France, before and under the Revocation of Nantz: to which is added, An Efay on Providence. Written by Mr. Lewis de Marolles, and Translated by Mr. J. Martin. 8vo, 3s. 6d. sewed.

Volume I, and II. of the smaller Works of the late Rev. J. Brown, of Haddington, with the Life of the Author.

The Duty of England exemplified in the Conduct of Hezekiah. A Sermon preached at Stockwell, July 31, 1803. By T. Jackson.

Experimental Religion Delineated: in a Selection from the Diary of the late Miss H. Neaie. With a Recommendatory Preface, by Dr. Ryland; and a Brief Memoir by Mr. Greatheed. 12mo, 35. 6d.

To your Tents, O Britons! a Sermon.
By C. Jerram, M.A. 3d. or 25.6d. per 100.
National Hymns. Adapted to the pre-
sent alarming Occasion; from
Authors. 2d. or 125. per 100.


Rest for the Weary; or an Anchor for the Soul in a Severe Tempeft. Third Edition, with Notes, &c. By T. Engish, of Wooburn, Bucks. 8vo, IS.

Friendly Admonition to the Young By W. Cooper. Id. or 75. per 100,

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