C. SHERMAN AND CO., PRINTERS, 19, ST. JAMES STREET, PHILADELPHIA 7437 41-146 31 10494.8.10 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY SHELDON FUND Trivia: or the Art of walking the Streets of II. Of Walking the Streets by Day 289 III. Of Walking the Streets by Night 294 215 Sweet William's Farewell to Black-eyed Susan 237 A Ballad, from the What-d'ye-call-it.. Fable. The Got without a Beard. Fable. The Universal Apparition A Fairy Tale, in the ancient English Style. 221 Fable. The Hare and many Friends. A Song. Ah! Willow. To the same in her A Letter from Italy to the Right Hon. Charles 232 King 237 to a Person of Quality. ib. 399 On the Death of Dr. Swift. Baucis and Philemon. On the ever-lamented A Description of the Morning. The Grand Question Debated: Whether Ham- On Poetry: a Rhapsody.. A Description of a City-Shower, in imitation Horace, Book III. Ode II. To the Earl of To the Earl of Peterborow, who commanded Mrs. Harris's Petition.. the British Forces in Spain. The Progress of Poetry. 405 ib. SHENSTONE. |