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vifed and exactly corrected. Several Paffages of the New Teftament have been horribly falfified in that Edition. Here follow fome Inftances of it.

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Luke II. 41. Inftead of thefe Words, Now his Parents went to Jerufalem every Year, there is in that New Teftament, And his Parents went every Year IN PILGRIMAGE to Jerufalem (Et fes pere & mere alloient tous les ans en pelerinage a Jerufalem.)


Acts XIII. 2. As they miniftred to the Lord, &c. New Teftament of Bourdeaux. As they WERE OFFERING UP to the Lord THE SACRI FICE OF THE MASS, &c. (Or comme ils offroient au Seigneur LE SACRIFICE DE LA MESSE.)

Cor, III. 15. But he himself shall be faved; yet fo, as by Fire. N. T. of Bourdeaux. But he him felf fhall be faved; yet fo, as by the Fire OF PURGATORY (Mais il fera fauvé quant a lui, ainsi toutefois comme par le feu DU PURGATOIRE.)

i Cor. VII. 10. And unto the married I com mand. N. T. of Bourdeaux. But as for thofe, who are united by THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE, I command them. (Mais à ceux qui font conjoints par le Sacrement de mariage, je leur commande, &c.)

1 Cor. X. 21. Te cannot be Partakers of the Lord's-Table, and of the Table of Devils. N. T. of Bourdeaux, You cannot be Partakers of WHAT IS. SACRIFICED UPON the Lord's Table, and of WHAT IS SACRIFICED UPON the Table. of the Devils. (Vous ne pouvez pas étre participans de ce qui eft facrifié fur la table du Seigneur, & de ce qui eft facrifié fur la table des Diables)


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1 Cor. XI. 26. For as often as ye eat this Bread, &c. N. T. of Bourdeaux. For as often as yeeát this LIVING Bread, &c. (Car toutes les fois que vous mangerez ce pain vivant, &c.)

V. 28. But let a Man examine himself, and fo let him eat of that Bread. N. T. of Bourdeaux. But let a Man examine himself, and so eat of that LIVING Bread. (Or que l'homme f'éprouve foyméme, & ainfi qu'il mange de ce pain VIF.)

2 Cor. VI. 14. Be ye not unequally yoked together with Unbelievers: N. T. of Bourdeaux, Be not united with Unbelievers BY THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE. (Ne vous joignez point par Sacrement de marriage avec les infidelles.) See also 1 Tim. IV. 3.

1 Tim. IV. 1. Now the Spirit Speaketh exprefly, that in the latter Times fome fhall depart from the Faith. N. T. of Bourdeaux. Now the Spirit plainly Says, that in the latter Times fome fhall depart from the ROMAN Faith. (Or l'Esprit dit clairemem, qu' és derniers temps quelques uns fe fepareront de la foy Romaine.)


THESE Falfifications bring into my Thoughts a Paffage of Beza, which deferves to be inferted here. That Illuftrious Reformer tells us, That Monluc, Bishop of Valence, complained in the Con ference held at St. Germain in the Year 1561. that the Doctors of the Sorbonne had approved a Book written in Verse by Arthus Defiré, tho' he had falfified the Second Commandment, as it appears from the following Lines.


Hiftory of the Reformed Churches of France. Vol. I. Lib. IV. pag. 693, 694. Antwerp 1580.

Tailler tu te feras image

De quelque chofe que ce foit.
Si honneur lui fais & hommage,
Ton Dieu grand plaifir en reçoit.




MR. Matte has made an Experiment of an extraordinary Congelation. He fhews that two Drams of Oil of Tartar per deliquium being put into a Glafs, and mixed with the fame Quantity of the Liquor of Armoniac Salt, do quickly coagulate, infomuch that one may make a Ball of the whole Matter of fuch a Confiftence, that will run upon a Table; and yet neither of thofe Liquors receives any other. Alteration, but that of lofing its Fluidity.

win AM I EN S.


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HE late Mr. Thiers, Curate of Vibraye who was a great Enemy to fuperftitious Pra tices, and another Author t, undertook fome Years. WI SORTS

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* Mr. Thiers's Differtation was fupprefs'd by a Decree of the Council of State in 1699.

The Letter, written by that Anonymous Author, was condemned in 1697.

ago to prove that the Body of St. Firmin, the Third Bishop of that City, was not in the Cathe dral Church. There is every Year, on the Festival of that Saint, a folemn Proceffion, in which his Shrine is carried by the Chaplains, and exposed to the Veneration of the People. A Tradition of a Thousand Years, and above, is alledged for the Proof of thofe Relicks. The Chapter being refolved to maintain their Pretenfion, have engaged one of their Brethren (Dr. de Leftocq,) to write a Differtation against the Two Authors above-mentioned.

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Differtation fur la Tranflation du Corps de S. Firmin le Confeffeur, troifiéme Evèque d' Amiens, où l'on fait voir qu'il eft dans l'Eglife Cathedrale d' Amiens, contre ce qu'en ont écrit l'Auteur de la Lettre à un Curieux, & feu M. Thiers: On prouve auffi que le Corps de S. Firmin le Martyr, premier Evêque d' Amiens, eft dans la même Eglife,& non pas dans celle de l'Abbaye de Saint Denys en France. Amiens 1711. in 12mo.


M. BULTEAU has left behind him a large Library, confifting of choice and valuable Books, that are to be fold. That Library contains, among other Books, a complete Set of all the curious Pieces relating to the particular History of the feveral Countries of Europe, and other Parts of the World. M. Bulteau was a great Lover of Learning: He died at Eighty-Three Years of Age. The Catalogue is drawn up very metho dically.

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Bibliotheca Bultelliana, feu Catalogus Librorum Bibliotheca V. Cl. D. Caroli Bulteau, Regi à Confiliis

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Secretariorum Regiorum Decani: Digeftus & defcriptus à Gabriele Martin, Bibliopola Parifienfi; cum Indice Authorum Alphabetico. 1711. Two Volumes in 12mo. Pagg. 1035.

Three Letters have been lately publifhed concerning the Therapeute mentioned by Philo.

Lettres pour & contre fur la fameuse question, f les Solitaires appellez Therapeutes, dont a parlé Philon Fuif, étoient Chretiens. Paris 1712. in 12mo. Pagg. 381.

The firft Letter is written to Father de Montfaucon, and contains feveral ftrong Objections concerning the Religion of the Therapeute. The fecond is an Anfwer of Father Montfaucon; and the Third, a Reply of the Author of the firft Letter. This Subject is treated learnedly on both Sides, and the Book is worth Reading.

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