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among the yellow stars that twinkled merrily.

"What have you pictured?" she asked. "Oh, mother, how lovely the moon is to-night! It looks like a lamb in the air," replied the small artist. "It looks like a lamp in the air," corrected the teacher, smiling at the child's surprised face. After all, did not the picture from the same class, which represented a large lamp, with an elaborate, many-colored shade, high up among the stars, leave something to be desired?

The latest story of such illustrations is told by Miss Scott, author of "Organic Education." The class were illustrating Barbara Frietchie; one drawing showed a man astride what seemed to be a great stone head. This proved to be a picture of "Stonewall Jackson riding ahead!"

Why multiply examples? The question for the thoughtful teacher, after a merry laugh, is, What should such mistakes teach us? How shall we turn stumbling blocks to stepping-stones?

The drawings are additional windows through which we may catch glimpses of the child's thought. They reveal mistakes in silent reading as incorrect pronunciation or wrong inflection do those of oral reading. Probably the boy who read

"The rattle and roar of the muskeeters (musqueteers)

Nearer came, and nearer,"

would have made a picture of swarms of mosquitoes charging with a "roar" upon luckless human victims. Had some other child read that passage, the teacher would never have known of the "muskeeter" idea, unless she discovered it through drawings. Just as oral reading sometimes shows that the pupil is repeating empty words, so drawings reveal that he has worthless fragments of thought. He looked for some sentence or phrase to make a picture about, and seized anything that seemed promising.

The mistakes show us two things: First, the tendency to be mechanical is ever present; the only safeguard is to train the child to think largely, so he will not see three buckets in one well, or a lamb in

the air. Second, perhaps the child is telling us that the selections are beyond his capacity. It should not satisfy us to say, "They ought to grasp that." It is not so much ought they to be able to grasp it, as are they able? We can better lead them up if we realize where they are.



Having heard so much of the high standard of education in Indianapolis, as shown in her public schools, I took the first opportunity I could find, after coming to the city, to visit a school of the first primary grade. As I entered the room, at the time of the opening exercises, the scene presented was one of beauty. Every seat was occupied, and the bright and happy expression upon the faces of the little ones indicated better than anything else could have done that the teacher was using every means at her command to make the life of the child happy and beautiful without endangering its health.

Every eye was directed to the teachernot because the children were forbidden to look in any other direction, but because, to them, the most attractive object in the room was their teacher. The appearance of the room showed the good taste of the teacher in not being too crowded with decorations; as we sometimes find schoolrooms. Growing plants filled the window-seats, and here and there, about the room, on stands and brackets, blooming flowers were found. The teacher's desk contained a vase filled with golden-rod which had been brought to her by some of the children. The walls were adorned with appropriate pictures, and, as is the custom in the Indianapolis schools, the American flag floated above the teacher's desk.

After several songs had been sung, the first lesson of the day, a lesson in science, was taken up. The subjects was a flower, and the lesson began with the recitation

of a poem. The recitation of poems in connection with the plant and animal lessons inspires the child not only with a love. for nature and with sympathy for all living things, but it cultivates a love for the beautiful, also.

Nature study, in the Indianapolis schools, deals more largely with the life. of the plant or animal and its relation to the child than upon its structure, and the child is taught how to preserve and protect it, rather than how to dissect it, so that lessons in morals are thus combined with science lessons.

Each child was given a flower to examine. They all were encouraged to make their own observations, unaided, and to express them. In doing so, the class was full of life and enthusiasm. After the children had exhausted their fund of information, as the result of their observation, the teacher, by careful questioning, had them to observe the particular points to which she desired to call their attention that morning. Her questions were given to the whole class, so that every pupil was set to observing and thinking, and as the tiny hands were raised to indicate that they were ready with their answers, individual children were called upon, and the number of hands raised, together with the animated expression on their faces, showed that they all were thinking and were interested in the lesson. I noticed, too that the teacher did not confine her questions to a few bright pupils, but every child in the class took part in the exercise.

This lesson lasted about fifteen minutes, and was succeeded by a reading lesson, about one-half of the children being called to the front of the room, while those remaining in their seats were assigned busy work, which consisted of writing little stories about the flowers, painting them, or arranging them for number, form or color work. A box of paints, a brush, a flower, a pencil, some paper, and some letter cards had previously been placed upon the desks. The child is permitted to alternate between the use of letter cards, and the pencil, in forming his words, so that he may be relieved of the physical strain consequent

upon so much writing. Although left to themselves, they were far too busy for that idleness which leads to mischief. They were studying the book of nature.

The class called to the front had no books, but were asked to give sentences expressing thoughts about the flowers. These sentences were written upon the board by the teacher as the children gave them, and when a number of them had been written the pupils began to read them. Then slips of paper, upon each of which some sentences had been printed, were passed to the children. The scene presented by the happy little children, each with flower in hand, surrounding the teacher, who was smiling upon them, was truly beautiful. The children were interested because they all took an active part in the lesson, from the beginning to the close. Each had something to say, and was glad of the opportunity to express his thoughts. There was no urging to speak by the teacher, and there was no need of it, because each child was full of the subject and even children like to tell what they know. The teacher, doubtless, encouraged by the active interest of her pupils, was fully as enthusiastic as were. they, and as much pleased when bright remarks were made.

It was easy to detect the mother spirit as she looked with evident pride upon the little ones committed to her care, and occasionally encouraged them by patting them on the head. "But," says our so-called disciplinarian, "was not this raising of hands very confusing, and did it not lead to disorder?" Not by any means. There was life in every exercise, the absence of which is not order. Perfect discipline is perfect attention, and the manner of the teacher was so gentle and full of love and sympathy that she had them completely under her control, and they were instantly ready to do her bidding. This is the spirit of the "new education.'

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The number lesson which followed was based upon the same subject-a flowerand the exercise was as follows: The teacher drew a flower on the blackboard

a whole flower-then others with one or more falling petals, and questioned the children upon the lesson, writing their

answers on the board. Then individuals were called to the board to write the results of their thought in answer to the teacher's questions. About fifteen minutes were spent in this way, the children at their seats being engaged with number work of a similar kind. This showed unification. Following the number lesson was an exercise in calisthenics, and then a marching exercise, in which the most perfect attention was given to the commands of the teacher, the little captain holding the flag, leading with the precision of a commanding officer of many more years' experience. At the close of this exercise, I took my departure, having thanked the teacher for the pleasant hour spent in an Indianapolis school.


Deserved praise is of more importance to the giver than to the receiver. Praise does not immediately affect the merit of him to whom it is awarded, but it does. immediately affect the merit of him to whom the awardings belong. If one deserves praise, he is quite as much of a man without praise as with it; but no one can be so much of a man nor seem so much of a man, while withholding just praise as while bestowing it. Praise is the price that an onlooker puts upon a welldoer's performance; and the onlooker measures himself in the measure of the price which he awards to the performance of the welldoer. In little matters, as in larger, the giving of deserved praise is a duty, the performance of which is given more important to the one who owes it than to the one to whom it is owed. He who deserves praise can get along without it. He who ought to give praise can never get along as he ought to unless he pays it all to the uttermost. We as teachers err greatly in our failure to bestow proper praise when merited, for here we may see the same heroism shown as is found among adults in their larger view of life. Many a word of such recognition counted for much in the life of that youth who but for that would have given up altogether. Even the teacher appreciates at

word of deserved praise from her superintendent, and no one should fail to bestow such, since it is in the highest sense a sacred duty.


In every scene there is a certain relationship and consistency of parts which can be discerned only from one particular point of view. Visitors at the State capital find an interest in finding human figures in the marble columns. Tourists often go a long distance to see the semblance of a human face in a rocky cliff, or the figure of an animal in the contour of a landscape. But the chief interest in the face and in the figure lie in the fact that it is only from one circumscribed position that they can be discerned. So it is with one view of human character. There are persons who from almost any standpoint seem cheery, smiling and pleasant; and there are those who are generally known as "hard to get along with." Like the cliff, there is just one point of view from which all the features in that human character will fall into position and the countenance of the spirit will come out smiling yet bold and true. The cliff's features and the spirit's features do not change or come into being. We must change our attitude to them, if we would see them as they ought to be seen, and as they really are. When we see a human life that has been twisted and scarred, let us change our attitude a little, and see whether, after all, there is not a beautiful spirit in the scarred rock -whether it be not the scars themselves that make it possible for the rock to picture the human face a face divine.

It almost takes one's breath to read that Superintendent Seaver and Supervisors George H. Martin and Sarah Louise Arnold, of the Boston schools, have failed of re-election to positions long held and well filled. We rather expect such things from towns like New York and Chicago; but Boston!

Inland Educator and Indiana School Journal




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With this issue a new magazine is presented to the public which represents the union of the Inland Educator and the Indiana School Journal. While the publishers of both papers have appreciated every iota of patronage and support, they feel that the school interests can be best served by a united effort. With a serious purpose, then, of increasing the efficiency of our work, of meeting the needs of every teacher that may be reached, and of publishing the most helpful school paper in the country, the co-operation of friends, old and new, is cordially invited. The plan is to retain all that has been best in both papers and to add whatever new features the interests of our patrons may require. The former editors will give their best efforts to the new periodical, while the publishers pledge themselves to a policy of continuous progress. The best and the most helpful that can be found, will be our motto. The new organization is wholly free and independent in every particular, devoted only to the cause of education. Expense and effort will not be spared in securing the best contributions and other aids that may be available. Unexpired subscriptions to both papers will be completely filled out. In case of duplicates, the two credits will be added and the time extended accordingly for the new paper. Every teacher, school officer and friend of education is invited to help make this the teachers' magazine par excellence.

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It was perfectly fair that the South should expect to be favored with a session of the N. E. A., and the committee did right in selecting Charleston as the place. The meeting did not have the support that it was entitled to from the North and West, the attendance reported being about 3,000, as against 13,000 at Los Angeles last year. There was plenty of enthusiasm and an earnest spirit among those who were there, and Charleston was able to keep her promise of good weather. Sight-seeing conflicted more or less with the serious business of the association, as is likely to happen in a town of so much historical interest. Cincinnati seems to be the favorite for 1901. James M. Green, Principal of the State Normal School at Trenton, New Jersey, is the new President; Irwin Shepard is continued as Secretary. Indiana is favored by the selection of Superintendent T. A. Mott as State manager and President H. B. Brown as fourth Vice-President.


In a recent sermon, Dr. W. F. Oldham, of Columbus, Ohio, declared that the greatest cnd in life is living. This was probably intended as a sentiment or keythought for all of life; but it is worthy of special emphasis for us as teachers, lest we fall into the error of thinking that education is only for the years yet to come. Only to the extent that school life is a complete life for school days-the best life that can then be lived-will it serve its full purpose in preparing for the years that are to be. The chief end is the immediate end. If we call it character, let us say that the question of character is just as important to a child now as it ever can be. The end in all education, in school or out, is life to-day.


The West Virginia School Journal for July, printed a group of letters from prominent teachers in that State received in answer to the question, "What one thing, in your opinion, will do the great est good for the public schools of West Virginia?" Out of twenty-six replies, there were seven who advocated such special preparation of teachers for their work as would improve the professional spirit; five favored higher wages; nine saw the need of closer supervision and a more unified system; two advocated greater care in the selection of teachers; two felt the need of closer sympathy between school and community; five would demand compulsory education; while one each pleaded respectively for uniform examinations, "a baptism of the teaching spirit," and “a civil service defense absolutely impregnable to the influence of politicians, sectarians and paternalism." The variety of replies shows a wider diversity of opinion than should exist among teachers well qualified for their work. It seems to us that a persistent effort to raise the standard of preparation would be the surest and quickest solution of all the other problems. Give us teachers of ability and character, and all other things shall be added.


It is reported that, although the enrollment at the Chicago or Cook county normal school last year was over 900, the total at both that school and Colonel Parker's Chicago institute this year is only 800. Of this number 250 have registered at the former and 550 at the latter. This decrease in attendance must not be taken to indicate a declining interest in the peculiar advantages that the summer school affords, but must rather be assigned to the rapid increase in such facilities. The summer school has come to be an important factor in American education, whether reference be had to the local normal for the benefit of the rural teacher or to the university six or eight weeks' course for post-graduates. It is a means of growth for thousands of teachers who could not possibly let go of their places for special work during the school year, but who do find it possible to go year after year for a few weeks of study and for the new life and thought that they find in contact with larger minds. The summer school is more than a passing fad, and its place in our system is at once manifest.


When this issue reaches our readers the institute season will be fairly opened. A vast quantity of time and energy, with no small amount of money, will be expended in this very commendable work. The remuneration, the benefit, will depend chiefly upon the attitude of the teacher, who, for the week, becomes a student. Notwithstanding the multiplied facilities for normal and professional training, it is true that the great body of our teachers, especially those in the rural schools, receive no other training than the institute affords. It is this consideration that gives them such importance; that makes it worth while to secure the best available instruction, and to use every means to make them a source of real help. Presuming that the best possible arrrangements for instruction have been made, the

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