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" ... solids in revolution, instead of taking solids in themselves; whereas after the second dimension the third, which is concerned with cubes and dimensions of depth, ought to have followed. "
Greek Geometry from Thales to Euclid - Seite 125
von George Johnston Allman - 1889 - 237 Seiten
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The Dialogues of Plato, Band 2

Plato - 1871 - 676 Seiten
...may benefit if they please. I think that I should prefer to carry on the argument on my own behalf. Then take a step backward, for we have gone wrong...yet hardly explored. Why, yes, I said, and for two reasons:—in the first place, no government patronises them, which leads to a want of energy in the...
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The Dialogues of Plato: Tr. Into English, with Analyses and ..., Band 2

Plato - 1874 - 626 Seiten
...wrong in the order of the sciences. What was the mistake ? he said. After plane geometry, I saiil, we took solids in revolution, instead of taking solids...for two reasons : in the first place, no government patronizes them, which leads to a want of energy in the study of them, and they are difficult; in the...
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The Popular Science Monthly: Supplement

1877 - 748 Seiten
...concerned with cubes and dimension* of depth, ought to have been followed.' "'It In true, Socrates ; bat these subjects seem to be as yet hardly explored.'...for two reasons : In the first place, no government pntronlzes them, which leads to a want of energy in the study of them, and they are difficult ; in...
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Report of the ... Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of ...

British Association for the Advancement of Science - 1879 - 950 Seiten
...these studies force their way bv their utural charm, and very likely they may emerge into light." "It is true, Socrates ; but these subjects seem to be as yet hardly explored. P. 11,1. 44. Compare with this the latter part of Plato's ' Philebus,' on knowЫге and the handicraft...
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Report of the ... and ... Meetings of the British Association for ..., Band 48

British Association for the Advancement of Science. Meeting - 1879 - 978 Seiten
...the third, which is concerned with coles and dimensions of depth, ought to have been followed. "It is true, Socrates ; but these subjects seem to be as yet hardly explored. u Why, yes, T said, and for two reasons ; in the first place, no government patronises them, which...
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The Republic of Plato

Plato - 1888 - 648 Seiten
...have followed. That is true, Socrates ; but so little seems to be known as yet about these subjects. Why, yes, I said, and for two reasons : — in the first place, no government patronises them ; this leads to a want of energy in the pursuit of them, and they are difficult ; in the ' If the government...
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Republic. Timaeus. Critias

Plato - 1892 - 796 Seiten
...have followed. That is true, Socrates ; but so little seems to be known as yet about these subjects. Why, yes, I said, and for two reasons : — in the first place, no government patronises them ; this leads to a want of energy in the pursuit of them, and they are difficult ; in the ' If the government...
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Plato the Teacher: Being Selections from the Apology, Euthydemus, Protagoras ...

Plato - 1897 - 506 Seiten
...may benefit if they please. I think that I should prefer to carry on the argument on my own behalf. Then take a step backward, for we have gone wrong...for two reasons: in the first place, no government patronizes them, which leads to a want of energy in the study of them, and they are difficult ; in...
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The Republic of Plato: With Studies for Teachers

Plato, William Lowe Bryan, Charlotte Lowe Bryan - 1898 - 338 Seiten
...may benefit if they please. I think that I should prefer to carry on the argument on my own behalf. Then take a step backward, for we have gone wrong...for two reasons : in the first place, no government patronizes them, which leads to a want of energy in the study of them, and they are difficult ; in...
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Dialogues of Plato, Band 2

Plato - 1899 - 632 Seiten
...second {dimension the third, which is concerned with cubes and dimen'sions of depth, ought to hnve followed. That is true, Socrates ; but these subjects...for two reasons : in the first place, no government patronizes them, which leads to a want of energy in the stndy of them, and they are difficult; in the...
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