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Johannes Wallop ad cardinalem Wolsey.

Prag, 12. März 1526.

Pleas yt your grace the cause why I wryt to yow thys letter a part ys that I fer that my letterys schold be serched by the wey and also to the intent that my saruant schold cary hyt preuely apon hym out of the packet for dyuers caussys as your grace schal perceyue. The furst ys that syns my beyng in thys parts the kyng of Hongary sent me a letter preuely by hys secrytary to know whelter I was sent to hym or noo to whom I mad answer in wryttyng, showyng hym how I was sent to hym and how I was stopt by the kyng of Bem and how I had dyspachyd a post to the kyngs hynys and your grace to know your pleasurs. I demandyd dyuers questyons of hys saruant and schowyd hym what reportys was mad be hys master of hys on truyth to the wych he mad me sych answer that by hys seyng mor was reportyd then was of truyth and as far as I cowyd perceyue by hym the hongaryons that be of the kyng of bemys part ar of a small power do to hym good they haue nother towne nor castell to dewell yn but ar fayne to dewell in Presburg wer the queyn lyth of Hongary. He seyth that yf the kyng of Bem wyl nedys make war a pone the kyng hys master he schal be constraynnyd to mak pes with the turke and to desyr hys ayed wych he dowt nat of, mak pes with hym when he wyll, but he seyth he wyl nat so

and may

do with out he be constraynyd ther to.

I cannat perceyue yf the kyng of Bem wold mak war that he ys abell for he was fayne to take away the iuels that was in al hys chyrchys in ostryge and in teroll for to mak mony for hys coronacion wych the pepell grugyd sor at.

As far as I cane perceyue the nobel men of Almayn wyl geue hym no eyd to conquer hongary for they thynkyth that he hath to mytch

alredy and I know well that the electors hath sent preuely a inbassator to the kyng of hongary and he hath or wyl send a nother to them. I in suer your grace the nobelmen of almeyn doth nat loue hym but doth dysdayn hym with owt hyt be to brothern of the markes of Branbroke wych wer with hym at hys coronacion hother nobelmen was ther none of almayn and wher I haue wryttyn to your grace at to tymys of salamankas commyng in to Inglond I perceyue syns hyt was faynyd to the intent he myght pas thruf the contary the mor suerly, for I insuer your grace the most part of Almeyn loueyth the kings hynys better then they do the emperour or hys brother.

As I may well sey for the farder that I rod in to the contrey the better I was in tretyd and specially in the contrey of Baver wher dewllyth jjj brothern jj dukys and bysshop the eldyst ys duke Wyllyam and the second duke Lodywyke and the thurd ys bysshop of Passo. I in suer grace (sic) in al ther good townys that I past throwgh. I spent nat a peny for man nor hors and had presently (?) sent to my loggynge be sydys. I spake with none of them all for they lay nat that weys that I part, but syns my beyng here they sent a gentelman to me wyllyng me to wryt to the kyngs hynys and your grace that they all owyth ther saruys to hym and that Lodewyk the second brother desyryth to com in to Inglond to se (sic) kyngs grace and to offer hym hys saruys and that he wold send jj gentelmen a foer to know hys plecer, and wold haue myn advice whether hyt wer best to send or nat. I answeryd I wold furst send to knou (sic) the kyngs hynys pleasure and then apon the answer that I had, I wold schow hym wat was best to be done. I concederyd yf thys nobelman schold send to the kyngs hynys and yf he myd (sic) dyd not to haue hym hyt schold be a trowble to hys grace to sey hym nay and another ys thos, that schold come in the mesayge wold loke for a great reward and ther for I thowgt hyt best to know your plecer, yf the kyngs hynys wyll haue hym or nat and yf he wyl nat haue hym then I be sech your grace that the kyngs hynys may send by my saruant a letter of thankys for hys good wyll and also to them all generall thankys for the honor that they schowyd me for the kyngs sake.

The same duke Lodewyk sent me word that he wyll sarue the kyngs grace with Xm. Almayns when so euer he wyll comand hym and seyth the french kyng wold fayn haue hym wych he in nowyse wold graunt on to.

I in suer your grace meny of the nobelmen of Almen wold that the kyngs hynys wer kyng of Romayns, and I haue byn sent to be gret men seyng yf the kyng wold they reken hyt myght be brought to pas. Yf hys grace were so myndyd I thynk hyt schold be mytch more for hys honor then for hys profyt as your grace knowytt better then I. They wyl nat in nowyse haue the kyng of Bem to be, yet I in suer your grace he hys a uertuys prync as can be possebell.

Te (sic) seyying ys that the dyat that schold haue byn at Regensbrugh at mydlent goth not furth. Also ther ys a seyng that the kyng of Hongary doth asemble a gret nomber of men what he intendyth hyt ys nat yet knowen some seyth yt hys to meke war apon them of Morabya wych now ar subgettys to the kyng of Beem. They war a foer to the kyng of Hongary that ded ys and so was Slecia wych now the kyng of Beem hatt. Thys contrys lyth by twyxst Hongary and Beem the mor part of hyt. Other mater I haue none to wryt to your grace at thys tyme bet sechyn the blessyd trinite to preserue yowr grace with long and most prosperyus dignite. Wryttyn at Prage the XII. day of martch 1) 1526.

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Joannes dei gracia rex Hungarie etc. Spectabilis et magnifice nobis sincere dilecte. Proximis diebus cum optimates et proceres huius regni nostri Hungarie in opidum nostrum Thokay conuenissent, exque tocius nobilitatis voluntate generalis congregacio regnicolarum nostrorum in ciuitate nostra Albae regali in hunc diem tunc futurum decreta esset. Cumque ad condictum diem in ciuitatem nostram Albam regalem ventum fuisset, atque ibi corpus serenissimi olim domini domini Ludouici Hun

1) Das Datum ist von späterer Hand.

garie et Boemie etc. regis predecessoris nostri felicis reminiscencie nuper e limo exicato iam gurgite, in quem incautus se precipitem se dederat, effossum inque ecclesia maiore honestissime depositum iaceret exanime, visum fuit nobis, ut ante omnia prestantissimi principis funeri justa persoluerentur. Incubuimus igitur, nihil minus humando funeri ipsius serenissimi domini Ludovici regis, nam fieri non poterat tabescencia iam pridem membra diucius super terre fatiem conseruari. Pro nostra igitur erga serenissimam maiestatem fide et obseruancia atque syncero veroque affectu, feria sexta proxima ante festum beati Martini episcopi et confessoris funus maiestatis sue, ut regium decuit corpus, solennibus ceremonijs decenti funerali pompa in magna hominum frequentia sepulchro maiorum suorum intulimus; his peractis sequenti die prelati, barones, proceres, omnisque nobilitas more maiorum suorum conuenerunt, alij in campum liberum extra vrbis menia, alij in septa et domesticas parietes, de summa rerum consulturi. Res enim et calamitas regni moram fieri non paciebatur, ne hoc regnum tam satis superque afflictum sine tutore, siue rege deinceps nutaret. Placuit omnibus omnium ordinum optimatibus nobilibusque vna omnium voce et consensu, vt nos nil vnquam tale aliquid sperantes eligeremur in regem. Et licet hoc dignitatis fastigium videretur nostro quidem iudicio impar viribus nostris, tamen preces et ipsa regnicolarum nostrorum pene coactio atque adeo collabentis regni status vrserunt nos huic oneri humeros nostros subijcere. Quod sperans in dei omnipotentis misericordia et intemerate dei genitricis patrocinio non tam vltro, quam dei ipsius populique iussu fecimus, deinde hoc die ex eiusdem dei maximi clemencia, que nos ad hunc dignitatis apicem vocare dignata, exque omni regnicolarum nostrorum pari voto et acclamatione sacro diademate instar diuorum regum Hungarie nostrorum predecessorum solenni ritu insigniti publice sumus. Que ob id vobis recensenda censuimus vt nostro felici successu congratuletis, quod fieri non dubitamus, vbi sincerum censuimus vestrum amorem erga nos semper nouimus. Vos tandem bene ualere optamus. Datum in ciuitate nostra Albe regali predicta ipso festo beati Martini episcopi et confessoris. Anno domini millesimo quingentesimo vigesimo sexto.

Spectabili et magnifico Christophoro

de Schydlowyecz palatino et capi-
taneo Cracouiensi ac regni Polonie
cancellario, sincere nobis dilecto.

Orig. im britt. Museum. Cotton. Mss. Vespasian. F. I. fol. 8, 9.


Jura Ferdinandi regis in coronam Hungariae.


Quod ad jus, quod Ferdinandus ad regnum Hungarie sibi competere asserit, attinet quandocunque christianissimus rex uoluerit omnia, que vltro citroque, super hoc in conuentu Olomucensi per serenissimum regem Polonie tanquam mediatorem et sequestrem pacis proxime inter maiestatem regiam, et ipsum Ferdinandum regem instituto per oratores utriusque partis fuerunt, fere per integrum mensem disputata, ea uidere et intelligere poterit. Ex quibus maiestas sua manifeste cognoscet, nullum penitus jus, regi ipsi Ferdinando ad Hungariam competere. Sed omnia illa, quibus ipse nititur, esse vana, friuola ac ridicula et hoc in rei ueritate ita esse cognoscet christianissimus rex, maiestas autem regia regno per mortem serenissimi condam Ludouici regis, diue memorie vacante, consensu et libera ac spontanea electione tocius regni Hungarie et regnorum sibi subiectorum, quod ex prelatis, baronibus et nobilibus constat, penes quos est et fuit semper ius ac potestas regis creandi, fuit legittime in regem electa et coronata.

Vt autem maiestas sua christianissima accipiat breuiter fundamenta quibus nititur rex Ferdinandus et quam illa sint inania et caduca, res in hunc modum se habet.

Elizabet filia Sigismundi imperatoris regis Hungarie, uiuo adhuc patre despondetur Alberto duci Austrie. Is, viuo adhuc imperatore, eligitur in success orem regni, fauore populi, mortuo autem imperatore in regnum ad quod electus fuerat, succedit, moriens postea relinquit Elizabetam pregnantem, ex qua post mortem Alberti, nascitur filius posthumus Ladislaus, huic mater cum uixdum quartam ageret etatis mensem in Alba regali sacra Hungarie corona insigniuit, quam cum Wyssegradum, in qua arce corona conseruari solet reportasset, simulans coronam in loco consueto deponere astu muliebri vsa praefectum arcis fefellit, non sacram coronam, sed aliud quiddam in arca qua corona conseruabatur, recondit, obsignatque, ceteris qui aderant fraudem mulieris inconsideracius aduertentibus. Quo facto, arculam simul et clauem cunctis videntibus prefecto arcis tradit, coronam veram dolo sibi retinens Friderico que postea imperatori seruandam dedit.

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