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as if it was stuffed with lead; I cannot hold (in bank-notes stitched in a sort of linit. Clem! - catch! oh!

Clem was not in time to catch, and the last exclamation was caused by Poll slipping from Winny's hands, and falling with a crash on the floor.

It fell with a crash, and the skin burst; and out fell a great heap of gold; sovereigns and half-sovereigns rolled away like so many little yellow imps set free from bondage.

"Well, if iver!" exclaimed Sally French, who was the first to recover her senses.

Winny stood on the chair in bewildered amazement; Clem, who had hastened from the kitchen on hearing Winny's exclamation, stared as if the parrot had come to life, instead of having gone to pieces.

Precious Poll, indeed! A hundred and thirty-four pounds they counted, when they had sufficiently recovered from their astonishment; and on examining the skin of the collapsed bird, they found fifty pounds more


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And, with lips that sought love everlasting,
I snatch'd but a fleeting kiss.
Onward, and onward, till falling
Into the infinite main,
In its fathomless waters I buried

My love, and my hope, and pain.

And "here," I thought, "all ends surely," As the great billow bore me away, "Here my spirit shall rest, and for ever, "From its longing, and labour, and play."

But anew to the azure of heaven

Was my being upborne; and anew From the heaven to the earth I descended In a drop of celestial dew.

All the Year Round.

POLYGAMY IN ITS INFLUENCE ON POPULATION. At the last meeting of the Anthropological

Here," I thought," is the end of my journey, Society, a paper by Dr. J. Campbell was read And my life, too, is ended now."

But the current drew me, and drew me,
By forest, and dale, and down,
And under the turrets and bridges,
And into the roaring town.

Onward, and onward, and never Any moment of perfect bliss,

"On Polygamy: its influence in determining the sex of our race, and its effects on the growth of population." Minute details of the relative proportions of female to male births in the harems of the king and other important dignitaries of Siam were given. The result seems to be that the proportions of males and females born were, as in the case of monogamist marriages, entirely equal.

From The Saturday Review. GARIBALDI'S RULE OF THE MONK.*


THE title and author of this book are calculated to excite a certain amount of curiosity. Most people will be amused at making acquaintance with General Garibaldi in the new character of a literary gentleman, and will be glad to hear his remarks about Rome, though it may be that they will anticipate less new light upon the Eternal City than upon the peculiarities of the General. The anonymous writer of a preface does what he can to heighten our curiosity. He is careful indeed to provide against adverse criticism by assuring us that the deficiencies of the work are due rather to the translation than to the original "; but he adds "the vigour and charm of the great Liberator's Italian are such as to show that he might have rivalled Alfieri or Manzoni, if he had not preferred to emulate the Gracchi or the Rienzi." Further, he is kind enough to inform us that the narrative is "idyllic in the pastoral scenes, tender and poetic in the domestic passages, Metastasio-like in some of its episodes, and terribly earnest in its denunciations "; and if we were inclined to save ourselves the trouble of criticisin, we might be content to appropriate these words, omitting the marks of quotation, and give them as our own judgment. Of course the translator ought to know best a work over which he has taken so much pains, and we will therefore give the General credit for an indefinite amount of graceful language, the fine essence of which has unavoidably disappeared from the English version. But, inferior as translations generally are to originals, there are some matters such, for example, as statements of fact-in which, if we assume a moderate amount of fidelity, the difference between the two cannot be very great. Now it is the peculiarity of the novel before us that it is not fiction founded upon fact, but "fact founded upon fiction." The more we have meditated upon this phrase, the less we have been able to appreciate the precise difference between the things opposed; but we take the assertion to mean, more or less, that the picture given of Roman society in the nineteenth century is substantially accurate. Names may be altered and facts slightly disguised, but the general tone of the description represents faithfully what Garibaldi sincerely believes to be true. Now as the story is of the most artless kind, and as the General has a way of suddenly digressing into explanations of his views

The Rule of the Monk; or, Rome in the Nineteenth Century. By General Garibaldi. London and New York: Cassell, Petter, & Galpin.

upon religion and politics and into personal reminiscences, we presume that we shall be doing our duty best by dwelling very slightly upon the merits of the novel as a novel, and calling attention to it chiefly as a pamphlet on the state of the Papal Government. We shall regard Garibaldi as performing a function similar to that of a Commissioner inquiring into the condition of agricultural labourers, and deal with the contents of the Rule of the Monk as we should deal with a blue-book. The following statements will, we hope, convey a tolerably accurate impression of the General's opinions about modern Rome.

Rome, as we know, is a city governed by priests. Now the General bates the priesthood as a lying and mischievous institution," though he is ready to welcome them to a nobler vocation when they have divested themselves of their "malignity and buffoonery." Meanwhile he regards them as "assassins of the soul," and therefore as more culpable than assassins of the body. A priest knows himself to be an impostor, unless he is a fool; and generally leads a life of the grossest sensuality whilst deceiving the people into the belief that he is a virtuous ascetic. It is easy to imagine what a priest must be when exalted to positions of power. Let us take, for example, Cardinal Procopio, the Pope's favourite. Procopio once upon a time deceived a beautiful girl, lodged her in his palace till the birth of a child, and then had the child murdered, and turned the mother out upon the world in a state of insanity. This was only one specimen of a long series of evil deeds. Finally, by acts of the basest treachery, he gets another still more beautiful girl into the same sink of iniquity, and at a critical moment, when she is struggling with him and two of his degraded myrmidons, three patriots, each of whom is also of exquisite beauty, incredible courage, and most unblamable character (qualities which belong to all Italian patriots), surprise the villains, gag them, and save their victim. Next morning the Roman populace has the pleasant spectacle of the Cardinal and his two minions dead and suspended by the neck from the windows of the palace. It is not often, however, that such condign punishment is inflicted upon evildoers in high places. As a rule, they carry on their infernal tyranny with great satisfaction to themselves. They have servants generally priests who are ready to go about committing murder and other atrocities on the slightest hint of their superiors. Thus, for example, a widow is left dangerously ill with a princely fortune and a small boy.

A priest is told off to frighten her with fears of his attentions to her younger companof hell until she has left the whole of her ions.

to a


the base mercenaries, who instantaneously disperse in panic from before a tenth of their number. Occasionally the patriots have to take to the woods and live with certain virtuous brigands, where the " idyllic scenes described by the translator take place. The Arcadian innocence of the persons concerned may be estimated by the fact that the marriage ceremony in an interesting case consists chiefly in an English heroine joining the hands of the contracting parties and pronouncing them to be man and wife. This" solemn act of wedlock," we are assured, is "none the less solemn nor binding" for being so celebrated. Attacks from the wretched set of cut-throats who form the Papal army occasionally interrupt these scenes of rural felicity, but when the tyrants appear the chief brigand always blows a horn, and a sufficient number of heroic patriots spring to all appearance out of the earth. It is a curious fact that, in spite of the most thrilling hairbreadth escapes, none of the virtuous are ever killed or seriously injured till the last chapter, when a general massacre takes place amongst the men, and the ladies go off to wait for a regenerated Italy.

property to the Church. Unluckily she We have perhaps gone far enough to exshows symptoms of returning health. The plain the nature of the blessings enjoyed priest accordingly goes to her house, and, under the "rule of the monk." If a tenth assisted by a nun whoin he has sent to her as part of the General's statements be true, a nurse, opens her mouth, pours a deadly most of the present rulers of Rome deserve fluid down her throat, and lets her head fall summary execution or imprisonment for life. heavily back on the pillows, while a com- We will not attempt to describe the admirplacent smile spreads itself over his diaboli- able race of beings who oppose their devilish cal features as, after one gasp, her jaw falls. machinations. Every Roman patriot is the The priests, moreover, have chambers of quintessence of all that is most admirable torture in their palaces, of which they know in human nature. Elaborate plots are conhow to make good use either upon patriots stantly going forwards in spite of the watchor, in case of need, upon their own wretched fulness of the police, and when the conspiservants. "Bring the girl to me," ex-rators are discovered and surrounded by claims Procopio to his menial, "or the overwhelming numbers, all they have to do palace cellars shall hear thee squeak thy is to throw themselves courageously upon self-praise to the tune of the cord or the pincers"; and we are assured that this was no vain threat, but that, incredible as it may appear to outsiders, tortures too horrible to describe take place daily in the Rome of the present day. In fact, on another occasion, a wretched sergeant who connives at the escape of a patriot is reduced shapeless mass" for this concession to humanity. Yet the atrocities committed by the Cardinals seem to be nothing as compared to the hideous scenes which take place in convents. The General assures us that, having examined the convents in 1849, he found in all, without an exception, instruments of torture; and in all without an exception, were vaults plainly dedicated to the reception of bones of infants." Indeed, a certain hero on one occasion forces his way into a nunnery by an ingenious stratagem, and compels the superior by threats of instant death to guide him to a prison in which his mistress is confined. The superior manages to give him the slip, but he descends through mysterious passages, with trap-doors and false walls, until at length, guided partly by a most offensive smell, he finds his way into a chamber of horrors. Here against the wall" hung several human We would fain hope that the stuff we beings, suspended by the neck, the waist, have been describing was not really writand the arms, all but one dead, and ten by Garibaldi, but that some hoax has more or less decomposed. The solitary ex-been practiced upon the translator and pubception was a young man, once of a fine lisher. However, it is a fact that the book form, but now an emaciated phantom." comes out with all the external appearance The young man is fixed to the wall by massive chains, and when his deliverer looks round for means of breaking them he finds nothing but horrible instruments of torture, which priests weakly describe as instruments for the mortification of the flesh." The young man is of course freed, and relates a hideous story of moral corruption, the main point being that the superior had consigned him to his dungeon out of jealousy

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of authenticity, and that the circumstance of its bearing Garibaldi's name has been enough to secure for it favourable notices from writers who ought to know better. Garibaldi has suffered before now from the indiscretion of his intimates, and we fear he has on this occasion been flattered into an exhibition of weakness which will give cause of triumph to his enemies. He was never credited with much worldly wisdom; but

we could scarcely have believed, except | book almost more pitiable than absurd, but from his own mouth, that he was capable of it is not inconsistent with the possession of talking such nonsense as that which fills the certain great qualities which in times of Rule of the Monk. All that a reasonable disturbance may convert a tenth-rate novadmirer could say in defence is that it ex- elist into a formidable enemy. This strange hibits the wonderful simplicity of the Gen- mixture of absolute childishness with genueral's character. The book is like the first ine heroism would make Garibaldi a far attempt of an enthusiastic and rather clever better hero than author of a romance; and lad, after listening to a lecture on Rome perhaps, in days to come, some man of from Dr. Achilli; and the politics are those genius may create a new and striking of innocent young ladies who believe every- character from the materials provided by body who differs from them to be a black- his life and writings. hearted traitor. Such simplicity makes the

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mals; but that on remaining stationary for a few seconds it rose to nearly its normal amount. The influence of food is very marked, but only transitory, the act of digestion raising the temperature to its normal height for nearly half an hour. This great diminution of heat may be thus explained: -on a plain, the intensity of the respiratory combustion increases proportionally to the expenditure of force, the heat being transformed into mechanical force, and enough heat being thus formed to compensate for the expenditure of force. But on great mountain heights, where the mechanical labour of the ascent is very great, the expenditure of force consumes more heat than the organism can supply when the body is cooled, and frequent halts must be made to reheat it. The rapidity of the circulation and the rarefaction of the air must also contribute to the cooling process. The mountain sickness, which attacked two of the party very severely, is due to the depression of the temperature, and, probably, also to the vitiation of the blood by carbonic acid. To keep up their heat the guides usually eat about every two hours, but at great heights inexperienced climbers usually feel so great a want of appetite as to be almost incapable of swallowing food.

EFFECTS OF MOUNTAIN CLIMBING. Some imperfect oxygenization of the blood. The inimportant observations have been made during ternal temperature of the body was carefully the past summer on the effects of mountain taken at different heights by a thermometer climbing on the most important bodily functions. placed beneath the tongue. It was found that Dr. Marcet has published his "Observations on in ascending from Chamounix to the summit, the Temperature of the Human Body at various the temperature fell, while they were moving, altitudes in connection with the act of ascend- from 7° to 11° below the ordinary standard of ing," in the November number of the Philo- 999 Fahr., an enormous diminution for mamsophical Magazine, and M. Lordet has communicated to one of the French journals a very important memoir on the " Disturbances of Respiration, Circulation, and of the Bodily Temperature at great heights on Mont Blanc." As M. Lordet's observations are the most elaborate of the two, we shall confine our observations to his results. From Chamounix to the grand plateau (from 3,444 to 12,879 feet) the disturbances of respiration are little marked on experienced Alpine climbers, who hold down the head to diminish the orifice of the breathing organs and respire only through the nose and suck a pebble to keep the closed mouth moist. Up to this point the respirations were nearly constant, and averaged twenty-four in a minute, but from hence to the top (15,776 feet) they were about thirty-six in the minute, the pectoral muscles feeling as if they were rigid, and the sides as if squeezed in a vice. After two hours' rest at the top these inconveniences disappeared, and the breathings fell to twenty-five. It was found by means of an instrument called an anaphograph, that the quantity of air inspired and expired was much less than on the plain, and as the air was under so low a pressure the quantity of oxygen given to the lungs was necessarily small. Although the pace throughout the ascent was very slow, the circulation was enormously accelerated. M. Lordet's average pulse being sixty, it increased from Chamounix to the top; ascending to the heights of 80, 116, 136, and finally to 160 and more to the minute. The THE REV. J. R. Lumby has undertaken to edit artery at the wrist felt almost empty, and the for the Early English Text Society the Angloleast pressure stopped the pulse. From 14,760 Saxon "Sermons of Bishop Lupus. Mr. Wilfeet the superficial veins began to swell, and Chappell has at press the second Part of even the guides felt heaviness of the head, and painful somnolence from venous stagnation and ety.

Once a Week.



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Roxburghe Ballads" for the Ballad Soci

Translated for Public Opinion by Rev. Dr. Maziere | Church will end with dispersion into count

Brady, from "L'Osservatore Romano." THE FALL OF THE ANGLICAN CHURCH.

less sects, to glimmer and vanish as suddenly as the ignis fatuus. The Broad THEY who upheld the Anglican Church Church will do notbing save second those Establishment in Catholic Ireland were, of efforts of the pseudo-bishop Colenso and course, manifestly wrong, inasmuch as it the writers of the Essays and Reviews," was an abuse, an iniquity, an insufferable which are demolishing all the remains of the tyranny; and the English Parliament by Catholic Church conserved, up to the presremoving it afforded satisfaction, though an ent, in Anglicanism. One of such fragincomplete one, to Irish Catholics. Yet ments of Catholicity is the semblance of those champions of heresy were logically Holy Orders. An Anglican, who received right in foreseeing and prophesying that the imposition of hands from a pseudo-prelate, abolition of the heretical Anglican Church lost, according to English laws, his lay in all the rest of the United Kingdom would character and privileges, and became infollow as an obvious consequence upon its capable of resuming afterwards the status abolition in Ireland. It is the case, indeed, of a layman. He was debarred, consethat no Bill has been laid before Parlia- quently, from attaining any of those official ment, nor any ministerial manifesto issued, positions such as seats in the House of nor even any resolution presented by mem-Commons, or in muncipal corporations, bers of the legislature, for effecting the abolition of the heretical State Church in England. But it is none the less true that the same Church is already falling to ruin, and is in process of demolition under the action of causes far more effectual than Acts of Parliament. Its overthrow will increase the long series of sects, heresies, and schisms which affected the form of a separate Church, but have vanished into nothingness under the advance of ages, and have become like to the end of branches severed from the tree, withered at last into ashes, to be scattered by the winds of heaven.

The fall of the Anglican Church has been prepared and expedited by many causes, but above all by the internal divisions which rend it asunder. Formerly there were only two great parties, which under the names of High Church and Low Church were at war within the bosom of the Anglican heresy. To these must now be added a third party, namely, the Broad Church, formed of Rationalists, who deny revelation, the sacred Book, and all supernatural religion. Under the action of these three dissolvent parties, the heterogeneous body called the Anglican Church will be precipitated into ruin, in a future, whose advent, albeit more immediate than heretics believe, yet ever seems too distant to satisfy the ardent zeal of Catholics.

The High Church, which in the Anglican sect preserves a great portion of Catholic dogma, which retains a hierarchy, and which practices something like Catholic discipline, will finish with conversion to the true faith. Of such a conversion splendid and edifying exemplars have been already furnished by those great luminaries of Anglicanism who this day are reckoned the most zealous among Catholics. The Low

which laymen only could hold. This disability moreover extended, contrary to all reason and justice, even to those converts to Catholicism who had once been married, Anglican clerics, and whom, albeit in the Catholic Church they were mere laymen, the laws of their own country compelled, despite their wishes, to remain Anglican ecclesiastics.

Lively opposition has now arisen, not only against the Acts of Parliament which exclude Anglican clergymen from the House of Commons and municipal corporations, but also against the alleged indelibility conferred by these pretended Holy Orders. A petition for the removal of those disabling laws, containing an open denial of the supposed indelible character of the spurious Anglican Orders, was lately presented to the Premier, Mr. Gladstone. It bore the signatures of 34 members of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, all clergymen of the Broad Church party. Many young men in England refuse participation in the Broad Church ministry, through fear of being unable, subsequently, to free themselves from these pretended Holy Orders. The chiefs of the Broad Church are now found protesting against the laws which impose that disability, and denying the very indelibility which they have hitherto always adduced in support of the validity of their Orders. It is well known, that although the Anglican Church may pretend to have preserved the true priesthood as it exists in the Catholic Church, the inconsistency of such claims has ever been demonstrated by irrefragable evidences, and that condemnation was passed on those writings which in the last century upheld as true and valid the Anglican priesthood, derived from Parker and Cranmer, whose earliest ordinations of heretical ministers were cele

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