FROM COMMITTEES: THREE VOLUMES. (3.) LAND DRAINAGE BILL [LORDS]. ΤΟ WEIGHTS AND MEASURES (AMENDMENT) BILL SANFORD LIBRAVY Session 2 February 1926-15 December 1926. VOL. VII. 1926. 554 THREE VOLUMES-CONTENTS OF THE THIRD VOLUME. N.B. THE Figures at the beginning of the line correspond with the No. at the foot of each Report; and the Figures at the end of the line refer to the Paging of the Volumes arranged for LAW OF PROPERTY (AMENDMENT; BILL [LORDS]: 75. Report from Standing Committee B on the Law of 121. Report from Standing Committee C on the Lead Paint (Protection against Poisoning) Bill, with the Proceed- ings of the Committee. 29 64. Report from Standing Committee B on the Local Autho- 143. Report from Standing Committee D on the Local Govern- VOL. VII-1926. 96. Report from Standing Committee D on the Markets and 156. Report from Standing Committee C on the Mental MERCHANDISE MARKS (IMPORTED GOODS) BILL: 120. Report from Standing Committee B on the Merchandise 67. Report from Standing Committee A on the Midwives and 166. Proceedings of Standing Committee A on the Money- 287 103. Report from the Select Committee on Nursing Homes POLICE PENSIONS BILL : 122. Report from Standing Committee C on the Police Pensions Bill, with the Proceedings of the Committee. POST OFFICE (SITES) BILL: p. 589 92. Report from the Select Committee on the Post Office (Sites) Bill, with the Proceedings and Evidence. 593 PRISONS (SCOTLAND) BILL: 153. Report from the Standing Committee on Scottish Bills on the Prisons (Scotland) Bill, with the Proceedings of the Committee. 607 PRIVILEGES: 55. Special Report from the Select Committee of Privileges. PUBLICATIONS AND DEBATES' REPORTS: ✓ 118, 163. 613 First and Second Reports from the Select Committee on Publications and Debates' Reports, with the Proceedings, Evidence, Appendices and Index. 617 PUBLIC HEALTH (SMOKE ABATEMENT) BILL [LORDS]: 147. 110. Report from Standing Committee B on the Public Health (Smoke Abatement) Bill (Lords), with the Proceedings of the Committee. RATING (SCOTLAND) BILL: 701 Report from the Standing Committee on Scottish Bills on the Rating (Scotland) Bill, with the Proceedings of the Committee. RE-ELECTION OF MINISTERS BILL: 715 40. Report from Standing Committee A on the Re-election of Ministers Bill, with the Proceedings of the Committee. 71. 761 ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIEF BILL: SECRETARIES OF STATE BILL: 769 91. Report from Standing Committee B on the Secretaries of State Bill, with the Proceedings of the Committee. 777 |