U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1969

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Seite 163 - Woodring, WP, and Bramlette, MN, 1950, Geology and paleontology of the Santa Maria district, California : US Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 222, 185 p.
Seite 163 - Geology of the Kettleman Hills oil field, California; stratigraphy, paleontology, and structure: US Geol.
Seite B-55 - Shapiro, Leonard, and Brannock, WW, 1956, Rapid analysis of silicate rocks: US Geol.
Seite 163 - DL, 1962, Geology of southeastern Ventura basin, Los Angeles County, California : US Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 334-H, p.
Seite 157 - Digest (Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists. Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists, and Soc. Explor.
Seite 107 - Shell of moderate size, 1-1% inches in length, %-% inch wide; spire high; whorls angular, slightly sloping above; surface ornamented with strong revolving lines, with wide interspaces, crossed by strong varical ridges forming tubercular nodes on the upper angle of the whorls; inner lip crusted, bearing 2 spiral folds on the columella.
Seite 159 - Geological Society of London, 1964, The Phanerozoic time-scale; a symposium: Geol. Soc. London Quart. Jour., v. 120, Suppl., p.
Seite B-55 - Geology and mineral resources of the Monlevade and Rio Piracicaba quadrangles, Minas Gerais, Brasil: US Geol.
Seite B-55 - WALLACE, RM (1965) : Geology and Mineral Resources of the Pico de Itabirito District Minas Gerais, Brazil. — US Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 341-F.

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