Vision, Brain, and Behavior in BirdsHarris Philip Zeigler, Hans-Joachim Bischof MIT Press, 1993 - 415 Seiten This book provides the first comprehensive and current review of considerable progress made over the past decade in analyzing neural and behavioral mechanisms mediating visually guided behavior in birds.The visual capacities of birds rival even those of primates, and their visual system probably reflects the operation of a ground plan common to all vertebrates. This book provides the first comprehensive and current review of considerable progress made over the past decade in analyzing neural and behavioral mechanisms mediating visually guided behavior in birds.The book's five major sections deal with the visual world of birds, the organization of avian visual systems, the development and plasticity of visual structure and function, visuomotor control mechanisms, and cognitive processes. The introduction to each section discusses the nature and significance of the problem areas, providing a context for the chapters to follow, which review the current status of research on a specific problem. The contributors are an international assemblage of researchers, representing a wide variety of disciplines, ranging from ornithology to neurophysiology and including ethology, experimental psychology, anatomy, and developmental neurobiology. For the ethologist, avian behavior is the source of a wide variety of species-typical fixed action patterns; for the experimental psychologist, birds are the subject of choice for studies of conditioning, learning, and cognitive processes; for the neurobiologist they provide model systems for studying developmental processes, sensory mechanisms, orientation, and motor control. For these reasons, research on the avian brain and behavior occupies an increasingly important place in contemporary behavioral biology. |
I | 1 |
2 | 25 |
3 | 47 |
4 | 63 |
5 | 77 |
Functional Anatomy of the Avian Visual System | 99 |
Anatomy of the Avian Thalamofugal Pathway | 115 |
Binocular Processing in FrontalEyed Birds | 159 |
Sensorimotor Mechanisms and Pecking in the Pigeon | 265 |
Control of Pecking Response Topography by Stimulus | 285 |
Visual Mechanisms of Prey Capture in Water Birds | 301 |
Vision and Cognition | 317 |
Studies of Interocular | 333 |
What Can We Learn from Experiments on Pigeon Concept | 351 |
Visual Cognition in Pigeons | 377 |
Vision Cognition and the Avian Hippocampus | 391 |
Developmental Anatomy of the Chick Retinotectal | 173 |
Development Plasticity and Differential Organization | 195 |
Developmental Mechanisms of Lateralization | 227 |
Visuomotor Mechanisms | 243 |
409 | |
Department of Psychology Winand Dittrich | |
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Vision, Brain, and Behavior in Birds Hans-Joachim Bischof,H. Philip Zeigler Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 1993 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
animals asymmetry avian visual system axons Bagnoli Behav behavior binocular birds Bischof Brain Res central chick chicken cognitive color vision Comp concept cone contralateral detection discrimination dorsal ectostriatum experiments eye movements fibers figure fixation forebrain fovea frontal function Güntürkün head hemisphere hippocampal Hodos hyperstriatum input Interocular transfer ipsilateral Karten lateral layers lesions light mammalian mammals Manx shearwaters Martinoya mechanisms monocular monocular deprivation Nalbach Nature London neurons Neurosci nucleus rotundus objects oil droplets optic tectum organization pattern pecking Pettigrew Physiol pigeon Columba livia pigments position prey processing Psychol receptive fields red field refractive response retinal disparity retinotectal saccades sensitivity spatial species spectral stereopsis stimulus structures studies target task tawny owl tectal tectofugal pathway telencephalon temporal thalamofugal pathway thalamus Thanos tion vertebrates Vision Res visual acuity visual field visual pathways visual system visual Wulst Wallman Watanabe wavelength zebra finch Zeigler