The Rituals: Simple Practices to Cultivate Well-Being, Deepen Relationships, and Discover Your True PurposeChronicle Books, 05.11.2019 - 160 Seiten This stirring collection presents spiritual rituals from around the world and offers guidance on bringing the powerful practices into modern life. Filled with fascinating details on the history and meaning behind a wide range of sacred rituals for love, awareness, joy, and so much more, this timeless handbook guides readers through more than 40 empowering practices—including a candlelight ritual for renewal, a soothing ritual for unwinding, and a tea ceremony for fostering connection and gratitude. With evocative watercolors throughout, this book is a lovely invitation to nourish the mind, body, and soul through enduring rituals for well-being. |
6 | |
Design Your Sacred Space | 12 |
Anchor Yourself | 16 |
Mindful Morning | 20 |
Alarming Inspiration | 24 |
Enchanted Evening | 28 |
Document Your Dreams | 32 |
FlameGazing Meditation | 36 |
Flow of Abundance | 92 |
Tea or Coffee Ceremony | 96 |
Priority Power Hour | 100 |
Rhythm of the Moon | 104 |
Breathe It Out | 110 |
Date Yourself | 114 |
Museum of You | 118 |
Theater of SelfDiscovery | 122 |
Commune with the Cosmos | 40 |
Cleansing Bath | 44 |
Plant Your Dreams | 48 |
Your Holy Day | 52 |
Release and Rise | 56 |
Honor Your Ancestors | 60 |
Augury Day | 64 |
Write Your Obituary | 68 |
Welcome the New Season | 72 |
UpsideDown Day | 76 |
Embrace Imperfection | 80 |
Mindful Eating | 84 |
The Game of Gratitude | 88 |
Ritual of the Mind | 126 |
Imago Dialogue | 130 |
Travel Through Time | 134 |
Letter to Your Future Self | 138 |
The Being Board | 142 |
Primal Dance | 146 |
NoThing and Nonattachment | 150 |
The Ultimate Ritual | 154 |
WHAT S NEXT | 156 |
Chronicle Ebooks | 162 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
abundance alignment alive ancestors ancient appreciate Augury Day Bali beautiful Bedouin begin blue light body breath breathwork celebrate ceremony choose connecting core cosmos creating creative cultures cycle dance deep deeper disempowering thoughts dream journal dreams embody emotions energy essences essential oil exhalation experience explore express eyes favorite feel focus four seconds future Game of Gratitude give goals grateful Greek mythology Harville Hendrix Helen Hunt holy day honor human Imago Dialogue infuser inspiration invite journal journey Listener live look lunar cycle moon moon phase morning ritual move nourishing obituary person piggy bank plant play powerful practice reflect relationship release reminder RITUAL IS PERFECT ritual will help sacred space season seed share social media someone spend Theater of Self-Discovery there’s things timer to-do list tradition vision board Visit visualize what’s write yoga you’re you’ve