The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 13, 1925 - 1953: 1938-1939, Experience and Education, Freedom and Culture, Theory of Valuation, and EssaysSIU Press, 2008 - 478 Seiten This volume includes all Dewey's writings for 1938 except for Logic: The Theory of Inquiry (Volume 12 of The Later Works), as well as his 1939 Freedom and Culture, Theory of Valuation, and two items from Intelligence in the Modern World. Freedom and Culture presents, as Steven M. Cahn points out, "the essence of his philosophical position: a commitment to a free society, critical intelligence, and the education required for their advance." |
Preface | 3 |
Traditional vs Progressive Education | 5 |
The Need of a Theory of Experience | 11 |
Criteria of Experience | 17 |
Social Control | 31 |
The Nature of Freedom | 39 |
The Meaning of Purpose | 43 |
Progressive Organization of SubjectMatter | 48 |
The Determination of Ultimate Values or Aims | 255 |
Unity of Science as a Social Problem | 271 |
Does Human Nature Change? | 286 |
Education Democracy and Socialized Economy | 304 |
The Unity of the Human Being | 323 |
What Is Social Study? | 338 |
This One GC20QGS5AOX | 340 |
The Philosophy of the Arts | 357 |
ExperienceThe Means and Goal of Education | 61 |
Freedom and Culture | 63 |
The Problem of Freedom | 65 |
Culture and Human Nature | 80 |
The American Background | 99 |
Totalitarian Economics and Democracy | 116 |
Democracy and Human Nature | 136 |
Science and Free Culture | 156 |
Democracy and America | 173 |
Alfred L HallQuests Editorial Foreword | 375 |
An Interview What | 391 |
Emendations List | 432 |
Substantive Variants in Theory of Valuation | 448 |
LineEnd Hyphenation | 562 |
591 | |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Absolute philosophies action activity actual added bef added in ink appraisal attained behavior belief called caret ab caret H cial comma added H common connection consequences constitution criticism culture democracy democratic desires and interests Dewey Dewey's direction economic effect emotional ence end-in-view existing experience expression fact factor Felix Adler force freedom habits human nature ideal ideas impulse individual industry inherent inquiry insrtd institutions intellectual intelligence interaction intrl involved John Dewey kind knowledge Marxist matter means ment moral nomic object observation operate organization persons philosophy of education physical political possible practical present principle problem production progressive education propositions question relation result rience scientific attitude scientific method sense situation social society subject-matter teacher Theory of Valuation things tion totalitarian tradition unity Unity of Science values words x'd-out