Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social, and Political ConsiderationsRobert D. Reed Publications, 2008 - 552 Seiten Allegations of ritual abuse are universal and mental health professionals, theologians, law enforcers, scholars, victim advocates, and others struggle to comprehend the enormity of the devastation left in the wake of these heinous acts. Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century addresses the concerns that naturally evolve from any discussion of this phenomenon from the perspectives of professionals, advocates, and survivors from around the world (eight countries, seven states in the U.S.) * How valid are the survivors' stories? * Is there evidence? * What are the consequences of these acts to the individual and society? * Why have these allegations been ignored or discredited whenever they have surfaced? The authors of these chapters respond to these and other questions in an effort to illustrate the constellation of psychological, health, legal, criminal, societal, and spiritual ramifications of ritual abuse. Chapters address current issues including ritually based crime, civil suits involving allegations of ritual abuse, that are universal. The value of understanding ritual trauma for diagnostic and treatment applications is discussed. |
Editors Dedication | 7 |
Rituals The Good the Bad and the Ugly | 17 |
Exploring Commonalities Reported by Adult Survivors of Extreme | 31 |
Urheberrecht | |
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Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
abuse and mind adults allegations alters American behavior believe brainwashing child abuse child sexual abuse childhood client clinical clinicians created crimes criminal demons destructive cults developed diagnosis Dibs dissociative disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder drugs emotional experience extreme abuse false memory syndrome fear feelings happened individual inner healing inner world internal interview involved Journal mental health mind control moral panic multiple personality disorder murder Noblitt Ofshe Orkney pain parents patients perpetrating group Perskin physical police prayer professionals programming Psychiatric psychological PTSD RA/MC recovered memory religious response ritual abuse survivors ritual trauma ritualistic abuse Rutz satanic abuse Satanic cult Satanic ritual abuse Satanist satanist abuse Schizophrenia Sinason social workers society spiritual survey symptoms Ted Patrick terrorism terrorist TheoPhostic therapists therapy thought tion told torture trafficking traumatic stress Treating survivors trigger victims violence York