Reclaiming Democracy: Multicultural Educators' Journeys Toward Transformative Teaching

Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall, 2004 - 306 Seiten

A supplement for a variety of courses addressing diversity, and multicultural teaching.

This innovative text gives voice to the challenges and rewards of transformative teaching through 17 first-person narratives by a panoply of diverse authors who have made a life of advocating for all students. These essays showcase the developmental process and the challenges that arise in developing a personal and professional identity as a multicultural educator. They explore the major topics addressed in courses in Multicultural Education and Multicultural Teaching immigration, social class, race, gender, poverty, and others and encourage prospective teachers to realize the need for transformative teaching and commit to the often-uncomfortable task of becoming more inclusive and more socially just within their own classrooms.

Im Buch


My Ethnography
Section Social Class
Section Racial and Ethnic Identity

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