Bioinformatics 1: Introduction to Bioinformatics

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 18.04.2015 - 186 Seiten
Especially for pre-prep course. This book has got especially software used in Bioinformatics. A concise course in Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics courses increased rapidly with ICT basic science in the use of the natural result of increased especially to be connected to too many parameters of biological events, such as the inclusion long process are complex, the solution of complex events and storing them, interpretation and results in a short time a science and emerged to obtain the discipline branch. Both the content is far from each other to eliminate the hassle of science administration in both branches at the same time these branches of science has led to the necessity of giving bioinformatics as a discipline. 1.1.1

Autoren-Profil (2015)

Mehmet Kececi, Mehmet Kececi Fizik Bilim Uzman Master of Science in Physics Portion of Lesson is finished 2001-2003 (PhD. Doctorate - Physics)"

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