According to His Purpose

Ellechor Publishing House, LLC, 18.08.2015
With your destiny facing you, you have a part to play in reaching it. According to His Purpose teaches you how to develop a divine relationship with God through a changed way of thinking. It is important to activate the communication line between us and the Holy Spirit. Use the power and intelligence that come through this connection to gain the knowledge about His Purpose for our lives.

According to His Purpose raises and answers the question, "How can you be happy when you do not know your purpose?" It highlights and confirms that for many people, busyness hinders you from seeking the Holy Spirit to define your purpose. Shut out the outside voices and turn on the voice of your spirit to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.

Learn how to make Godly decisions and live a life of purpose by listening to the Holy Spirit!

Autoren-Profil (2015)

Dr. Jacqueline Horton-Cobbin has a unique way of reaching her audience by coining phrases called "Cobbinisms". These phrases are "You are always on stage. Treat people as you want to be treated. There is no substitute for documentation. And with spiritual and intellectual knowledge, you are a powerful individual." This is the basis by which she has thrived as a multidimensional entrepreneur leader, professional educator, gifted communicator and philanthropist. She is a nationally recognized presenter and motivational speaker and known as "one of the most effective and results-oriented consultants in America." As CEO of Cobbin & Associates, LLC, Dr. Cobbin has served as an educational consultant, technical writer and editor for non-profit and profit organizations, educational institutions, as well as for church leaders for over 10 years. She has also released several audio teachings, "How Will You Live Your Life When No One Else Is Watching?";"You Are What You Write"; and a video library "Parent Power and The Power of Prayer." Aspiring to make a greater impact on others, mentoring young women and girls and expanding her God-given kingdom authority while leaving a purpose driven legacy is Cobbin's calling.

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