Biologie der Pflanzen

De Gruyter, 2006 - 942 Seiten

Biology of Plants provides a comprehensive survey of basic botany - including viruses, prokaryotes, fungi and protists. Biology of the plant cell, diversity, genetics and evolution, growth and development, structure and function, as well as physiology and ecology form the main focus of the work.

The 4th edition incorporates the newest scientific advances on all fronts, including

  • increased emphasis on molecular methods applied to the study of plants,
  • fundamentally new understanding of the evolution of angiosperms,
  • substantial changes in the classification of protists and seedless vascular plants,
  • significant new information on plant hormones from Arabidopsis studies.

This thoroughly revised new edition also streamlines coverage of introductory topics and contains changes in the presentation of the material to address changes in the science.

This didactically proven text book is elaborately illustrated and contains problem sets as well as an extensive glossary. Conceived for the American undergraduate program, "Raven" offers an effective and goal-oriented exam preparation for both majors and minors in Botany (Diplom, Bachelor and Masters programs).

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