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Limits of Thought is an important book by two very respected and important thinkers. Anyone interested to see how Krishnamurti and Bohm probe some of the most essential questions of our very existence will be drawn to this great work.
inauthor:Jiddu inauthor:Krishnamurti von books.google.com
On Right Livelihood explores ways for us to be engaged in, but not engulfed by, our work.
inauthor:Jiddu inauthor:Krishnamurti von books.google.com
Life Ahead presents lessons that move far beyond the traditional forms of education taught in most schools and colleges. Drawn from transcripts of talks given to Indian students, the book covers a wide range of universal topics.
inauthor:Jiddu inauthor:Krishnamurti von books.google.com
By focusing on the fact of our entrenched conditioning and the necessity for the psyche to undergo a revolution, Krishnamurti brings us to the interface, to the source of both the individual and society. http: //bookstore.kfa ...
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A selection of Indian thinker Krishnamurti's (1895-1986) talks and and writings, edited quite heavily to be more comprehensible to academic and analytic philosophers.
inauthor:Jiddu inauthor:Krishnamurti von books.google.com
Krishnamurti shows how people can free themselves radically and immediately from the tyranny of the expected, no matter what their age--opening the door to transforming society and their relationships.
inauthor:Jiddu inauthor:Krishnamurti von books.google.com
‘The material contained in this volume was originally presented in the form of talks to students, teachers and parents in India, but its keen penetration and lucid simplicity will be deeply meaningful to thoughtful people everywhere, of ...
inauthor:Jiddu inauthor:Krishnamurti von books.google.com
365 Daily Meditations on Freedom, Personal Transformation, Living Fully, and Much More, from the Man the Dalai Lama Described as "One of the Greatest Thinkers of the Age"