The Rosicrucian Enlightenment

Psychology Press, 2001 - 333 Seiten
"In the early seventeenth century two manifestos were published which proclaimed, in terms of magic, alchemy and the Cabala, the dawn of a new age of increased knowledge and power over nature. These anonymous documents (reproduced in the appendix to this work) were written on behalf of 'the Fraternity of the Rose Cross'. Ever since, this mysterious movement has been the subject of endless fascination, speculation and intrigue. In this book, Frances Yates reveals the truth about the 'Rosicrucian Enlightenment' and its impact on Europe's political and cultural history. She transforms, for instance, our understanding of the origins of modern science by placing in the context of an occult tradition key figures such as Descartes, Bacon, Kepler and Newton."--Google Books

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Autoren-Profil (2001)

Dame Frances Yates (1899 - 1981). English scholar who brought about the revival of interest in the historical role of the occult sciences, demonstrating their link with the rise of modern science.

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